Recent content by queenali

  1. Q

    Top 8-10 feet plants

    I will try that today and see how it goes...thanks..I never knew they would get this tall...
  2. Q

    Question about outdoor growing plants getting too tall....

    Hello can anyone answer
  3. Q

    Top 8-10 feet plants

    I am reposting here to see if some will answer me. I am a newbie at all this. My plants are about 3 1/2 to 4 months outdoor grow and they are getting very very tall. Some are almost 10 feet and I am wondering if I can top them or if it is too late. A couple have begun flowering for about two...
  4. Q

    Question about outdoor growing plants getting too tall....

    Hey remember when I was having problems with them not growing...LOL
  5. Q

    Question about outdoor growing plants getting too tall....

    Hey I have a few plants that are now between 7-10 feet and I am getting worried that they will be seen or smelt...I am actually considering cutting them down because I am so afraid they will be seen or smelt. I have them pretty well hidden that someone who doesn't know what they are will not...
  6. Q

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    Did you just cut it up and throw it on the ground? I tried that with pepper..
  7. Q

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    No they never feel slimy...I have been seeing these black and yellow beetles all over them...I have been spraying them with the water/soap mixture...My big one is still growing but a lot of the leafs are looking really bad...
  8. Q

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    Any ideas on how to keep bugs away naturally would be very nice thanks..
  9. Q

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    I have 6 growing in a small area and only a few are being affected. I have posted photos. The only thing I have used on them is tomato food every 3/4 weeks. I have been doing a soap and water bath every week to try and stop the bugs. I have also put pepper around them because I heard this keeps...
  10. Q

    Spider Mites

    I need some advice on how to handle spider Mites. yes I am sure that is what it is. I am growing outside and I am not able to move them. Will vinager and water mixture work or someone suggested alcohol and water. Will these affect taste when harvested. My plants are young maybe two months.
  11. Q

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    How old are seedlings in the pic???
  12. Q

    Ohh sh!t!My grow journal

    I am growing for the first time too and you are about a week or two ahead of me so I am excited to see all your notes and pictures. You have inspired me and I will starting my own Journal tomorrow...Good luck and please keep posting pics and news.
  13. Q

    Outdoor plants not growing in size?

    Oh and yes soil should be good lots of worms crawling around...
  14. Q

    Outdoor plants not growing in size?

    Ok sorry I should have listed more deatils...LOL They were all started from seed in the ground. The two bigger ones are about 2 to 3 weeks and the others are just a week old and are just sprouting. They get full sun from around noon till 7ish. Temps are varied from 55 to 70. I am very very...
  15. Q

    Outdoor plants not growing in size?

    I have about 6 plants and they don't seem to be growing. I have looked at pics of other plants the same age mine seem really small. Two of them have been planted for almost 3 weeks and they still only have the 4 leaves and are about an inch tall. What can I put on them to jump start there...