Recent content by psillyrabbit

  1. psillyrabbit

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    I would rather take my 150ug red stars :)
  2. psillyrabbit

    Inside LSD (National Geographic documentary)

    poop do i get pm's yet?
  3. psillyrabbit

    Remember when......

    HAHAHAHA You are older than me 8v8
  4. psillyrabbit

    Psychadelics and their connections to the after life [serious discussion]

    CK you are such the wordsmith If I didn't know better I might think you actually take yourself seriously ;) God made Acid for me :D
  5. psillyrabbit

    Various Smoke Reports by Shepj

    I am a HEAVY SMOKER of Cali's FINEST pot and the one strain I can say hands down hit me in one hit, smoking a joint... going down the PCH made me cough so hard I almost puked and went straight to a ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Was some "...
  6. psillyrabbit

    Yea I gotta get on it Your thread looks great BTW you should work for WestCoastLeaf :D

    Yea I gotta get on it Your thread looks great BTW you should work for WestCoastLeaf :D
  7. psillyrabbit

    guys i think my plants are hermafrodites.?? any help

    I would plant it in a $10,000 grow set up talk to it nice and hope you get a joint
  8. psillyrabbit

    Various Smoke Reports by Shepj

    Man those Look DANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAD UPS TO BROOKLYN ;) STRIKLY 4 MY NINJAS THAT IS SOME FIRE i gotta stop geting high LOL
  9. psillyrabbit

    Various Smoke Reports by Shepj

    Man those Look DANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG UPS TO BROOKLYN ;)
  10. psillyrabbit

    Didnt stop you from racking up over a thosand post :D you get a dollar each or what ;)

    Didnt stop you from racking up over a thosand post :D you get a dollar each or what ;)
  11. psillyrabbit


    Me be needing soma dat DMT shizit yo !!!!
  12. psillyrabbit

    DIY Honey Oil Extractor! (Using Butane Gas)

    best part of post