Recent content by Pizzzh

  1. Pizzzh

    Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow

    since when has porch monkey been a racial slur?? hahah that's funny You never go ass to mouth dude
  2. Pizzzh

    Cops or robbers?

    shoulda went and talked to him.. Said you owned the land or worked for the logging company and wondered what the fuck he was doing there.
  3. Pizzzh

    To the over-sensetive stoners

    I'm glad where i live getting fucked in the ass w/ a toilet plunger till it bleeds is not a common occurrence Maybe you should consider moving......
  4. Pizzzh

    Anyone not an idiot??

    hahahahaha Larry should be like our offical rollitup mascot :hump:
  5. Pizzzh

    Pissing in a milk jug!

    female piss attracts deer. I'm not sure about male piss but i would be careful.. Maybe do some research
  6. Pizzzh

    I smoked weed and I still feel stoned

    hahhah no shit.. Smoke one joint and be stoned for 6 months I would talk more to your doc have him check you out really good. You don't wanna mess around. Somethign could be sriously wrong. My little brother was sick for a year before they figured out what was wrong with him and by the time...
  7. Pizzzh

    people r worthless.

    Someone stole like half my outdoor crop last year.. They took it when it was hanging drying.. It still pisses me off
  8. Pizzzh

    people r worthless.

    Ya he took your sac and still shot at you?? Maybe you should have just given him a ride to the store
  9. Pizzzh


    loose lips sink ships... So they are still seedlings and you have already told people about them??
  10. Pizzzh

    Stolen BUD

    loose lips sink ships
  11. Pizzzh

    My first Hit and run!

    last week i watched on the news where a guy rear ended someone and cut around them to run away right into incoming traffic. He was killed in the second crash (the one where he was trying to hit and skip) Karma's a bitch
  12. Pizzzh

    The mouse that dropped dead from my weed

    i ate a blunts worth of weed once it was hard w/ no water or anything.. A qp in 15 minutes while being processed? I'm callin Bull Shit hahah
  13. Pizzzh

    Holy @#$%

    why is this same thread posted three times??
  14. Pizzzh

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    How a picture going to keep people from stealing your pot?
  15. Pizzzh

    Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

    his thread on bud worms and how to find them saved my ass last year... I would have lost so much more to the little fuckers if it wasnt for him