Recent content by pittymick

  1. P

    Curing Seeds

    its not looking good today, not many more up. there is definately looks like there is a curing fdd2blk has suggested could be a month. normaly most other would have germed by now. not even 70% at this stage more like 30% but some are still working on it. two more days and i,ll have a...
  2. P

    Curing Seeds

    i,ve been smashing through pages and pages on several forums looking for an educated answer. we know if they are old the germ rate decreases. so why is there not the answer for fresh seeds, is it just that they are ready to germ at maturity?
  3. P

    Curing Seeds

    ok they are at day 3 and there is signs of life small percentage up. which at this stage is standard tom should be the tell tale. it seems there is,nt anyone with a dead set answer to this one? but the test in in progress. i,m sure i did read a month is prime, but i needed to get them going so...
  4. P

    Curing Seeds

    thanks for all the replys. i put some in so i,ll know in a few days for sure. they were very mature. and cured for a week. so we,ll see.
  5. P

    Curing Seeds

    yeah think i read maybe a month. but really want to put them straight in after 2wks. think i read lower germ rates if not cured for a certain time. anyone have experience with this
  6. P

    Curing Seeds

    just wondering if there is a cure time for seeds? or when the nugs are dry are they good to go. thanks help appreciated