Recent content by perfectroller89

  1. P

    need help on pc fan wiring

    Please re Read that comment was not for u and states it not only does voltage vut ohms and asmpa t
  2. P

    need help on pc fan wiring

    You know when you don't have a tool so u go out and buy it only to lose if for the next time u need that's me with everything i own about 6 meters but can't find one of them looked all day (multimeter can read voltage to not just amps or ohms)
  3. P

    need help on pc fan wiring

    Last fan I wired wrong blew up trying not to was the 20 I spent on the fans
  4. P

    need help on pc fan wiring

    Wouldn't the higher amperage rating be better . Y would the amps matter is it not volts that control power and amps are the surge . The higher amp rating to my knowledge would not trip if the motors surged in power
  5. P

    need help on pc fan wiring

    Please do not give info related to cell phone chargers OK so having a llittle issue I housed a ballast kit in a project box everything works fine yay. Problem is its getting warm and i want to vent it so i got a hardrive cooler with 2 fans fliped one over so one will blow in one will suck out...
  6. P

    Sealed room heat management without A/C or cool tube

    I got a thermostat plug i will update will brand later it does heat or ac setting so if it get to hot it cuts on to cold and it can cut on 2
  7. P

    Sealed room heat management without A/C or cool tube

    Can get for 2 dollars or free air tight and food grade
  8. P

    Help with light choice

    Cfls will cover that area good and easy to vent with or fan
  9. P

    My New Setup Is Getting Too Hot?

    What is the outside air temp
  10. P

    Vapourising oil in an E-cig

    I use a standard c4 or c5 just unscrew the top the part where the wick attaches had a rubber piece pull that off scoop the oil into the center right on the wick but do not clog then fill 1/4 way with no nicotine flavor of chose mine is ice cream then vale away last me about a day off 1 scoop of bho
  11. P

    Diy co2 genarator

    Monitor are expensive from what I've seen if your buying a monitor might as well get the tank for the price with regulator wouldn't be to much more
  12. P

    Diy co2 genarator

    That'd work to but you have increased heat like this . Also that couldn't be used in a tent or small inclosed area . My rooms to flammable as it is to trust a constant flame being introduced
  13. P

    Diy aero 1 week crazy growth

    Starts as aero then ends up being nft as all low pressure setups do
  14. P

    PVC to uniseal

    No problem those can be a bitch sometimes
  15. P

    5 gallon bucket idea how would u describe the setup then because a Pond pump pushing sprayers sure seems like aero nft to me