Recent content by OrganoKen

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    Bud Porn V 2.0 (132 grams wet)

    Lovely. Right good show chap, keep up the good work!!
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    :( I have mites HELP ME PLEASE!!!

    All right bro here is the deal make several applications of pyrethrum you can find this at any local mercantile. also try making a solution of pyrethrum and nasturcian plants emulsified this will help if your going for the whole organic thing which by the way is the way to go so have at and good...
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    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Remember Kids that thier trying to build a prison. You are all future inmates in this system. God Bless America...or not!
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    4 weeks flowering update....w/pics

    Very Nice Keep up the good work
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    First Indoor Grow QUESTION

    After my seedlings are a couple weeks old what should my lighting schedule be? I'm Using 100w Flourescent one ince above my plants.
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    feminized seeds

    kindly what seed bank stole from you we would all like to know especially since some of us are in the market
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    thats fantastic i would consider finding a nute solution with a 1-2-2 for strictly flower production you also might do good to add some rock phosphate to the bottom of your container it is very slow to releae but plants love that stuff also make sure your pH is at acceptable levels
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    Use a complete fertilizer anyone that has all micro and macro nutes any product with a 2-1-2 ratio will work wonders for you also find a water soluble product this will ensure good positive uptake of all nutes. Good Luck
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    Question need help.

    bro use a fertilizer with a ratio of 1-1-3 this will stimulate flowering. Also ensure that your fert. is a water soluble
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    First Indoor Hydro Shwag Grow w/ Concerns

    preciate the advice to answer your question I havent gotten in pics yet i plant too also we havent yet installed a fan but ventilation seems to be alright for the time being the plants are in a fairly large environ with a mylar coated walls. also do you know any good strains that i should be...
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    First Indoor Hydro Shwag Grow w/ Concerns

    Basically the shwag is what i got i havent been able to aquire primo genetics yet thats the next step in the evolution of my grow room. My biggest concern is if the plants are getting too leggy which i don't want my question relates to the fact that this is my first indoor grow which has a...
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    First Indoor Hydro Shwag Grow w/ Concerns

    My first time to grow hydroponically and my week old plants are almost 2 inches high. My flourescent 100 watt bulb is no more than an inch from the plants is this alright or are the plants growing too fast? Need info Please HELP!! Thankx
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    Need some help here!!!

    Listen this is my first grow indoor and my seedlings are about an inch and a half tall after less than a week is this ok? MY lighting is flourescent 100 W bulb around an inch from the plants is this also OK? also how soon should it take till im able to determine sex of the plants? Thanks for...
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    Why Do We Smoke?

    Smoking marijauna for me is the basic principle of comradery that can be found. I myself am a huge stoner my friends are huge stoners it is what we do. But why smoke pot? Why NOt?? We smoke because we enjoy it we enjoy the company we share and we enjoy the life style when it all comes down to it...
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    Young Seedlings

    This is my first hydoponic grow and have a question. My seedlings are now about a week old give or take a day. I have them in an area with 24 hour light. The light is a 100 watt florescent. any way my question is: is it alright that my seedlings are about an inch and a half long is this OK? My...