Recent content by Oldmanofthemountain44

  1. Oldmanofthemountain44

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    so frenchy are you going to be at the Hempfest? If you are im gonna hold out on blazing all day ,to try your hash with a fresh palette. I am very inspired by your knowledge of hash and your skill in making it. Thank you.
  2. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Light green growth super soil

    top dress with some lime maybe?
  3. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Light green growth super soil

    i have been watching my cheese plants that have been showing the most.The stems of some of the leaves are slightly purple . I took another picture today to me it looks like it has gotton worse. Should i do a light feeding with my bioweed? or just keep watering? Could it be my ph of my soil is...
  4. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Nugbuckets Lab

    thats badass u made the times i am on board to learn from u guys!!!
  5. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Light green growth super soil

    nice thanks for the reply nugs n budman im stoked at how hardy the plants grow in the SS. Im going to take some more pics maybe do a little grow report for first time SS grow. post it up when i harvest. :weed: respect
  6. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Light green growth super soil

    hey this is my first super soil run i cooked for 30 + days and followed his mix guidelines. i have four plants in my flower room that all show a little light green growth and skinny new leave growth. I can see them growing, so im not that scared i just want to take action if i need or just keep...
  7. Oldmanofthemountain44

    looking at tents..:( mofos cheap but good. 6x6 is under 200
  8. Oldmanofthemountain44

    best way to grow...

    yeah i have seen a few pictures from verticals where it was solid bud:mrgreen: .. the whole under current systems look like producers too... those would be clean in a glass house.
  9. Oldmanofthemountain44

    best way to grow...

    i want to get some opinions on what everyone thinks is the coolest/most efficient/best quality/ favorite way to grow? i personally think a green house structure either glass or plastic,light dep capable, climate controlled with lots of space for each plant to i could just throw big girls...
  10. Oldmanofthemountain44

    neem oil

    thanks for the reply.. i was curious because i just got these good genetics but i have powder mildew. i dont want to grow pm'd plants so i was hoping for a cure because from what i understand its systemic and will always come back. im going to try a spray then drench before week 2 of bloom and...
  11. Oldmanofthemountain44

    neem oil

    can you feed neem oil through the roots to attack powder mildew from the inside ?
  12. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Systemic Mildew

    can you feed neem oil through roots to attack the systemic problem?
  13. Oldmanofthemountain44

    PM?? not too sure help please!

    have you sprayed anything on your leef like neem oil?
  14. Oldmanofthemountain44

    Do you know??

    i use the advanced # 4 its in a black and yellow compacted bail. i just brewed up some tea in my bucket and watered them today. i think i was watering them to much at first so i let them dry out more then gave them a little less water. im gonna be patient with them and hopefully they green up...