Recent content by Odin88

  1. Odin88

    Why Do My Plants NEVER Reek?

    80 what? Degrees?
  2. Odin88

    Why Do My Plants NEVER Reek?

    Yes and the smell is not intense.
  3. Odin88

    Why Do My Plants NEVER Reek?

    I'm on my fourth grow and none of my runs have had a strong odor. I havent ever had to use a carbon filter. The flower comes out potent and after drying and curing the odor increases but is not intense. Right now I'm beginning week six and the trichome production looks amazing but there's very...
  4. Odin88

    Dark Horse Genetics

    I did not. I just bought f2's since no one has the originals anymore.
  5. Odin88

    Dark Horse Genetics

    I did not. I just bought f2's since no one has the originals anymore.
  6. Odin88

    CSI: Humboldt

    I want to buy Chem 91 S1 from CSI: Humboldt but I dont understand what s1 means.
  7. Odin88

    Dark Horse Genetics

    Where did you buy your seeds? Would you buy from Attitude?
  8. Odin88

    Keeping Males

    Hmm. Good idea. I'll try keeping him neutered until I can put it back under the light. Thank You!
  9. Odin88

    Keeping Males

    Its not in full flower but I moved it to another room. I'm in a small apartment. This is my first grow with regular seeds.
  10. Odin88

    Keeping Males

    I was thinking that once it's back under the LED that it could be brought back to it's original state and finish growing normally, no?
  11. Odin88

    Keeping Males

    Well can it be kept in the window in daylight and under regular house light until I can put it back under the LED? Will it die?
  12. Odin88

    Keeping Males

    How should I keep a male separate from females until the females are harvested? I want to save the pollen but I cant keep it under the same light as the females because I dont want seeds. I dont have room for another light just for males. Can it be kept in the dark for a few weeks until the...
  13. Odin88

    DC Seed Exchange

    I agree. He should have minded his business just as you should be minding yours. The Man extended a courtesy to me with some free seeds and I was happy to share news of my good fortune with the forum and instead of Crispy being happy for me he comes at me with his crispy bitterness. It was...
  14. Odin88

    DC Seed Exchange

    He came thru again. He had a Halloween sale that I out missed out on where he had the same pack of Queen of Soul from Brothers Grimm seeds on sale that I had just bought from him a week earlier for $22 less AND he was giving away a free pack of Pineapple XX from Brothers Grimm along with the...