Recent content by nutcracker

  1. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    Thanks for the comforting posts all .. But seriously man I was like telling my self I am sorry Jesus for whatever i did .. plzplz forgive me I accept you as my saviour .. I was desperate lol I honestly thought i was gonna die .. BUT IT WAS NOT FUNNY AT ALL M8 .. just put urself in my situation...
  2. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT GUYS . I also saw a EVIL looking cat that was smiling .. It was on the shadow on my door .. I could swear to u i was not imagining it lol . I'm just glad i feel much much better now .
  3. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    Oh and also my body was shaking ... I could like feel vibrations of things and shit .. it was strange man lol yet cool
  4. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    I WAS VERYYY CLOSE to dialing 911 .. no joke .. I thought iwas seriously gonna die .
  5. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

  6. N

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    Omg god you guys .. I smoked like 4 Grams of weed . and OMG i went PALEEEEEEEEE I mean like PALE as in 99.9999 % close to death pale . Then I had to Burp .. but it was stuck in my throat .. MY BURP WAS STUCK IN MY THROAT .. and it was slowwwwwwwwlyyyyy going up little by litttleeeee but...
  7. N

    White Widow(S) Day 26 Veg

    One of the plants are still burned .. Don't ask what happened lol =P ( MY FAULT ) .
  8. N

    White Widows ( 3 ) Veg pics !

    no one likes any of my precious white widows =( ? lol
  9. N

    White Widows ( 3 ) Veg pics !

    Incase you're wondering .. I got the seeds from BCSEEDKING . ( ALL white widow )
  10. N

    White Widows ( 3 ) Veg pics !

    The first Plant its some what burned .. I messed up .. DON'T ASK LOL =p
  11. N

    White Widow Day 21 Veg - Picss

    What do you think you guys ?
  12. N

    White Widow Day 18 Veg !! ;)

    I am not giving my plant ANY Nutes whatsoever ... the last time i did that .. It ruined my plant . I just have really good natural soil and good strain genetics .
  13. N

    White Widow Day 18 Veg !! ;)

    What do you think ? :lol: :bigjoint: