Recent content by Notnice

  1. Notnice

    Mushroom Compost ???

    nothing wrong with it. only thing is if u google it u may see some folks complain about its origin.
  2. Notnice

    Best place for thermometer/hydrometer?

    b-i-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o
  3. Notnice

    i want to come back

    dont know if its going to be the same, but Bog is still pumping out his gear
  4. Notnice

    Humboldt Seeds

    hes talking about and seem to be an ok company
  5. Notnice

    Breeders Boutique Discount code 50%

    its on the cart page at the bottom of the screen
  6. Notnice

    I got BUSTED !!!

    why would someone go around telling the world they got popped, like kid after her 1st kiss? much less starting multiple threads about the subject. If its legit congrats and move on, if its not get bent and move on! (no hate just being real)
  7. Notnice

    4x4 tent 1000w, need opinions

    with the smaller fan u'll have to run it at a higher rpm to get the air out, which means more noise. the benefit of the larger fan is with a controller u can turn it down to make the noise less. personally if I can afford it id say go big. better to get a little more then u need then to...
  8. Notnice

    Retail MJ Store

    not to take away from the point at hand but, beer is the fermentation on sugar derived from grain. the hops are for flavor, aroma, and preservation
  9. Notnice

    New build, just getting started.....

    very nice! cant wait to see how this progresses
  10. Notnice

    If you could only Grow/Smoke 1 strain for the rest of your life....

    for me it would have to be blue cheese. great taste and good feeling
  11. Notnice

    Gratz Colorado!

    I know its not the end all "legislation" that we all want but it is a good step.
  12. Notnice

    Hi :leaf::weed:

    Hi :leaf::weed: