Recent content by Neelix

  1. N

    31k flowering watts + Veg room Pics...A MESS! Need kind.

    Hey bud, search Heisenberg tea. I too quit running undercurrent systems because of the constant root rot issues. After reading some of the success stories with Heisenberg tea...might set one up again. Growth is incredible...would certainly like to get it lined out.
  2. N

    DEA Chief Gets Annihilated by Colorado Rep

    She knows everything about the drugs in question. She was just dodging the admission that medical marijuana is a much safer alternative to pain relief than prescription drugs...As far as her not admitting that heroin and meth are more addictive than cannabis...her admission would give strength...
  3. N

    Envy A & B Nutrients great for tap water

    I've been using Envy since the '90's. It's true, it does drop your ph dramatically. No, biggie...just use some up! I don't really care what you use, they all work. However, Envy is the best veg formula I have ever used..period. I've run the gammet with nutes and systems. If you want a no frills...