Recent content by mrstealth14

  1. mrstealth14

    Plant Burn = Early Harvest

    smoking before the curing process is pointless, yes u can put it in the oven as mentioned above, but in honesty it tastes like crap just isn't worth it. IF you want good smoke you gotta wait, dry properly and cure for natleast 3 weeks to a month. If you want good smoke.. I have done exactly...
  2. mrstealth14

    Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

    I have the same problem with purplish coloring of buds and leaves, but from experience it's completly normal in colder climates, especially north east outdoor. I really don't worry about it, the only problem is it changes the look of the bud and strain determination is pretty much impossible to...
  3. mrstealth14

    Purple / Black spots forming in nodes and buds- please help! Pics

    dude that kind of purple is weird looking... looks neon purple. I don't think thats from temperature drop or frost, way to neon purple, the purple from frost or cold temps is like darker and much more defiant on the leaves rather the buds, ur leaves are fine which to me doesn't indicate temp...
  4. mrstealth14

    Flushing, 7-10 days final phase (SOIL)

    Flush if ur using nutes, and dry properly, its ok to pick out some tree and quick dry it but it's so worth it to wait... Experience is everlasting with MJ... It's like fine wine....
  5. mrstealth14

    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    Hell yea 603... Good to see that some peeps actually know wat there doing in this small ass state...Keep it up, I'll post when harvesto...
  6. mrstealth14

    MY Girl, East Coast flowering check her out and let me know what you think

    how are u going to waTER??? it seems to me that you have a problem, how about find a really good friend that will take care of it and when its done just split it.... It's better then the plant dying and def better that u don't have to worrry about it...
  7. mrstealth14

    Im only survior

    you have atleast another month
  8. mrstealth14

    Flash floods...

    thanks blastjuice, yeah I like had a feeling and I went out to check em and one of the pots was floating in the water and the plant was upside down, it was crazy... But thanks for the advice, will the foliar feeding during flowering make the shit taste bad or what? Atleast I don't have to...
  9. mrstealth14

    Flash floods...

    went out to the spot and saw 3 of my babies drowning in a pool of water, flash flood have hit us pretty hard. What can u do after the water is gone, obviously the water took all my good soil and the only thing that is holding up my babies are the roots. Will they die??? I noticed a shit load...
  10. mrstealth14

    nutrient burn? i have pictures! please someone help me

    Im having the same problem with a couple ladies, I am also using tiger bloom too and it's my first time using fox farms, you have to be careful with that stuff, its def potent the ladies get burnt, always measure exactly I use about 1tblspoon now and it seems to work a lot better, and yes I know...
  11. mrstealth14

    Eastern outdoor

    I agree soleessential, I feel like this year should be the best year to grow good mj but I am having difficulties, I seem to be watering way to much, like every 3 days and if i lieave a weak I am dissapointed when I come back to the site and see the bad boys drooping. Really its annoying, I...
  12. mrstealth14

    Drooping leaves :(

    hey try saving it, you can def get something from it. It takes time, reading and patience to have good mj. And like you said it got knocked over and is under/overwatered, and you just transplanted it. Leave it alone, and like jack the beanstalk said give it a lot of light, and water on...
  13. mrstealth14

    no sun yellowing leaves

    yea def will either die or be shocked into hell and it will take like 3 weeks of great conditions to get it back to mediocre.
  14. mrstealth14

    my tea recipe. what yall think?

    Well if people are so concerned about the effects of urine try one plant as an experiement, I am telln ya it friggen works, and there should be no problem if you dilute. If people actuallly knew what went into all the ferts, even organic, Look at fish, supposively fish has mercury in it, but we...