Recent content by MrRobbyRob

  1. M


    I have been using Megacrop for the last year or so, and I'd have to say its the easiest stuff I've ever used. And so freaking cheap. I still have a half of a kitty litter bucket left, and I've run two crops out of it already. I've used advanced, Neptunes Harvest products, Roots Organic, and...
  2. M

    Cofused on wiring strip build

    So I show the voltage being about 39v on the 1120mm gen 2 strips... Am I missing something? Looks like the amperage for the driver is up to 5.72a, so that should give me a max of about 950 +/- ma each, correct? Just not sure where the 48v came in...
  3. M

    Cofused on wiring strip build

    Thank you for the prompt response. So basically, you are telling me the voltage will work itself out based on the current I am running. This helps a lot.
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    Cofused on wiring strip build

    So forgive my novice question, but... I am building an EB strip light, using 6 of the gen 2 strips. I purchased an HLG-240h-42b to pair with them. Based on the diagrams I see, I am to run the current side to a potentiometer to adjust. But everything I see show the voltage side hooked directly...
  5. M

    Help me build 4 vertical strips for my tent

    Wow, man. Long time lurker, and I've been reading these threads for years. This is one of the more innovative things I've seen somebody construct. I never heard of the SunCloak until I saw your pic in a different thread. Add another DIY project to the ever growing wishlist. Anyways, great job!
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    LEC 630 lighting

    So I don't have the 630 hood, but I do have 2 315's going. In my experience, you can keep them closer than the HPS because there isn't as much radiant heat. That being said, it still gets hot. I kept mine maybe a couple inches closer than the HPS. The top of the tent is too high. You won't...
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    Lumigrow pro 325

    Wow its been a minute. I still have my Lumi 650, and she is plugging away, but currently in my veg tent. But its not that I was unhappy with it in flower, not at all. Just has to do with the particular space H had to work with... long story... But I do have 2 of the SunSystem LEC units in my...
  8. M

    Ionic liquid nutrients. The ultimate solution. Anyone else swear by this product?

    Why are you using nutrients if you are growing in super soil?
  9. M

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm still liking my Lumigrow 650, I guess the coverage isn't what I'd like it to be, and still liking my SGS-160, but I gotta say, hands down, my two Sun System LEC's I got have quickly become my favorite lights. The color I get from the plants, and the frostiness is unlike with anything else...
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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I'm not sure. It seems like a nice little unit, and the 8 lbs. would be nice as well, but for the price difference, I could buy another Sun System unit. So at this point, it would have to be MUCH better to be worth it. And I'm sure Sun System has done their homework. But they still intrigue...
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    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Would've loved to do the Cycloptics Greenbeams instead, but at some point money does become a factor. Hope I don't regret not getting them!
  12. M

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I still really like My Lumi 650, but I just pulled the trigger on a couple Sun System LEC units to replace her with... And I am in the process of trying to get one of the new A-51 panels, although a website glitch has prevented me from doing so as of yet... But I am still using the SGS160 from...
  13. M

    Lumigrow pro 325

    BTW, I purchased my LG in March of 2013, and I got it for under $1200. Deals can be had if you work it a bit!
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    Lumigrow pro 325

    I have been using my LG 650 for a couple rounds now, actually produces (maybe not like a 1000w) but probably better than with my 600... I am not unhappy with my purchase, the penetration is actually pretty good as well. I have it in a 4x4, and I agree its too many watts for such a small...
  15. M

    Greengenes Apache AT600 Garden- Blackberry Kush

    Greengenes, I may have missed this post in an earlier thread, but what are the dimensions on the 600? Thank you in advance!