Recent content by Mr.Jiujitsu

  1. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Xtreme Gardening Azos

    Yeah your pointing the finger at the wrong thing. Ph or soils too hot or both most likely. What’s the medium made up with?
  2. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Why thc farmer sucks ass

    I have enjoyed thc Farmer. Made a few friends, more enemies probably. Never ordered and spent significantly more time there then here, but that was mainly due to the site working more efficiently, or at least previously. currently thc Farmer is down. Not sure what happened as Im not in the...
  3. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Club Quantum Board

    I run my 9 an 132’s 7-12” above and 90% power for flower lol
  4. Mr.Jiujitsu

    New England outdoors 2018

    What was an amazing year has turned to shit!!
  5. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Club Quantum Board

    Ready for ScrOG as soon as I pull the last of the vanilla (beginning of next week) I have white widow and blueberry kush, both from growers choice. I just did a defoliation and lollypopping in prep. Something I didn’t do last run. Keeping it legal means only flowering two at a time, so I really...
  6. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Club Quantum Board

    Couple shots I happened to have handy of the vanilla kush And what I’m smoking as I wait for some to cure/degas and most to dry. I actually harvested two full rounds so far and have just let everything fully fatten upot currently looks like this in the quantum flower tent. I have...
  7. Mr.Jiujitsu

    New England outdoors 2018

    Everything’s looking great here. Don’t mind the gorgeous human femal specimen
  8. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Quantum board 4x4x7 tent build and Poll * evolution of lighting *

    These I purchased from amazon. They are a Chinese knock off - same thing but much cheaper. I can’t believe how the outside that’s in one of these has done compared to the other pottings I have and am using
  9. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Quantum board 4x4x7 tent build and Poll * evolution of lighting *

    Trimmed off a little sample last night Still has a bit of time till finish but it was a lower flower that hadn’t reached the canopy and was falling over.
  10. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Quantum board 4x4x7 tent build and Poll * evolution of lighting *

    Dropped the lights - see if I fry them
  11. Mr.Jiujitsu

    New England outdoors 2018

    My mini garden has been loving the rain. 4-7ft plants, and August is typically the explosive month. Can’t wait to see how big these girls get
  12. Mr.Jiujitsu

    Quantum board 4x4x7 tent build and Poll * evolution of lighting *

    Few update shots from the quantum flower And here’s a shot of my girl showing off one my studs for this year
  13. Mr.Jiujitsu

    New England outdoors 2018

    Try 40-60 gal a day
  14. Mr.Jiujitsu

    New England outdoors 2018

    How are your studs looking? Here my lady is showing off one of my main personal strain studs- Ready for breeding - one for seed the other for practice