Recent content by Mr Annonymous

  1. M

    Need help please

    Hello I have a small setup but I am dedicated to this. However just a few hours ago I turned on my veg room tofind some clones I just got have mold and it's a fluffy white residue. I'm in a panic cause I have 4 mothers also in there. My questions are simple. 1 how can I kill the mold without...
  2. M

    Need help

    Ok I put my heater in the veg room, the mold is a fluffy white residue at the base of the clones. I had 4 seeds I was makin into mommies but I don't want to be the source of mold. Is there anything else I can do to help the mothers or should they just flower if they survive the treatment?? Thank...
  3. M

    Need help

    Hello I'm new here. I recently became a horticulturist and this is my second crop, I have discovered I bought some clones with mold and now I have to get rid of the mold, currently I'm only seeing it in my veg room but I'm prepared to treat all rooms. Can anyone help guide me in the right...