Recent content by mpence

  1. M

    Pest or Disease?

    The leaf in the right of the first photo looks like its infested with aphids or something. Definitely bugs
  2. M

    Scrog/trellis questions

    Assumingly you're referring to the size of the grid? I run 2inch but in a small setup, 3.5 is probably better
  3. M

    No place to hang the buds

    If you want ill come pick them up and dry them for you
  4. M

    Little white floating bugs - root aphids?

    Some photos would help, but from experience id say they are springtails. I've had them before and am pretty sure they don't cause any harm
  5. M

    New to dwc whats going on with my roots?

    Roots are probably just stained from that caca coloured water. IMO ppm is way higher than it needs to be. Are you sterilising the res at all? And what does the plant look like, if you have a root problem plant will be a tell tail sign
  6. M

    DWC Starting. Questions for the experienced.

    The feeding every other week might not be the right way, but I've always had good harvest and never had deficiencies. Main reason for it is that if you add nutes every refill the ppm gets ridiculously high. Especially since I just run tap water which is already at 350ppm. If you notice a...
  7. M

    Headed inside to try some Hydro? Pls help system size

    I'd go with bigger containers, longer between filling up and maintenance and more water=longer to heat up
  8. M

    DWC Starting. Questions for the experienced.

    I can't really comment on the nutrients, but should be fine as long as they aren't organic. I would run sterile instead of messing around with beneficial bacterias i.e great white and hydroguard I do a res change before switching to flower and then every second week I refill with nutes, I never...
  9. M

    Quick help

    Yeah pluck it out with tweezers
  10. M

    Quick help

    Possible nanner
  11. M

    What is this?

    +1 for mites
  12. M

    DWC - Brown spots on leaves and roots??

    Calcium deficiency? If you're not running a recirculating system then definitely run either bennies or sterile
  13. M

    Water chiller/ ice probe for one 5g bubble bucket

    I just run 50% peroxide, 10ml once a week. As for DO, I haven't really noticed any differences in growth when res temps are considerably cooler. I say give it a crack without a chiller
  14. M

    Water chiller/ ice probe for one 5g bubble bucket

    Oh yeah sorry forgot to convert to freedom units (86f) I meant temp in my tent
  15. M

    Spider mites

    Very true, you never really get rid of them once you've got them, just like herpes