Recent content by Mouldy Frog

  1. Mouldy Frog

    Oh my god...Weirdest video ever! (WATCH IF YOUR HIGH!)haha

    Night time is good for those neon voodoo dancer visions...least that's what I see!
  2. Mouldy Frog

    A selection of some work

    Nice paintings, particuarly like the first one 'Untitled'...
  3. Mouldy Frog

    legal buds

    Put it this way, if any of these fake legal buds were any good there wouldn't still be a huge underground market in mary jane...
  4. Mouldy Frog

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    Great thread, thanks for sharing!
  5. Mouldy Frog

    The Metal Thread

    Deathspell Omega Electric Wizard Mastodon
  6. Mouldy Frog

    Great Pharcyde vid

    I love this vid I found on Youtube, had to share it.
  7. Mouldy Frog

    Pale tips!

    Noticed a lot of condensation on the tips of my leaves recently which seems to be causing them to go pale at the edges. Probably trivial, but is this anything to worry about? Any feedback appreciated...
  8. Mouldy Frog

    Stoned movie watchers

    Friday, Glastonbury Fayre, The Last Waltz, Head (The Monkees), Up In Smoke...
  9. Mouldy Frog

    Perception Series :D

    These are really nice pieces, I'd like to see some more....
  10. Mouldy Frog

    Music Do You Like To Get High With?

    Roots Manuva, U Roy, Prince Far I, Steel Pulse, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, Massive Attack, Gong, John Martyn, Underworld, De La Soul, Plastikman, Chemical Brothers, Primal Scream :peace: