Recent content by Mose

  1. M

    when should i put in bigger pot?

    The rule of thumb is 1 gallon of pot for each foot of vertical growth of the main stem(s).
  2. M

    Ph is your biggest friend and worst enemy

    Nearing the end of my first successful grow, I've found this to be true. Keeping pH correct is just as important as adequate light. From all my reading (and my limited experience) these two issues are the source of 90% of people's problems.
  3. M

    Day 70 and slow growing

    Those plants need a LOT more light. If you're sticking with CFLs, get as many as you can rig up/afford and mount them so that the *side* of the bulb faces the plant. CFLs put out the most light to the sides. Put a reflector over them or make individual reflectors from 12-ounce aluminum cans. As...
  4. M

    Where to find "Earth Worm Castings" in major retailers?

    I have. You'll find them in compost or manure piles. The species you're looking for is Eisenia fetida. The red worms you got at Wal-Mart are probably Lumbricus rubellus. Do some googling to learn what they look like and then go find a big pile of manure/compost and you will find them. You'll...
  5. M

    HELP, I'm baking my buds....and not in the good way

    Also... since you say a shorter pot for your next grow, you could repot it. It kind of sucks to repot it this late into flowering, but it would be better than scorching the main cola to death.
  6. M

    new grower question

    Buds form along the main stem(s) of a plant, as calyxes and pistils and small leaves of the unfertilized female overgrow the stem and form into a solid mass. Bushiness is good in terms of providing more "main" stems that develop into buds. It's also a way to keep a plant short if that is a...
  7. M

    new grower question

    moved reply to other thread.
  8. M

    Showing off my first girl

    Thirty days into flowering. The ladies have been under the 400w HPS for a week now, and I've been using molasses and the bloom nutes (up to about 1800 ppm now) on alternating waterings. Things are definitely kicking into gear on the flowering. I took some pics today while they were getting a...
  9. M

    Showing off my first girl

    I decided that spending more money on CFLs would be a waste, so I took the plunge and ordered a 400w HPS. I don't see the point in spending almost as much on CFLs which I have to rig up sockets and y adaptors for, and which will have their ballasts pumping out heat right there in the box and...
  10. M

    ph tester question

    Nope, you have to do those in very wet soil, wiggling them around and taking readings in more than one spot. Then you have to guess exactly where that little needle is pointing. I bought one of those soil probe pH things at first because it was cheap, and I quickly decided it was a useless...
  11. M

    Good 400w HPS deal?

    First, I swear I don't work for htg or have any financial reason to post this except to save money on a light. I'm looking to upgrade from CFL to HPS and I saw this new (I think) price on htg's basic 400w hps system. Remote ballast...
  12. M

    How do you grow without telling people?

    Think long and hard about growing in someone else's home without their permission or knowledge. And the way you don't tell anyone is by........ never telling anyone. If you can't keep your mouth shut - REALLY keep your mouth shut - don't grow at all. You'll get ripped off or busted or both. As...
  13. M

    Mysterious Yellowing

    From what I understand, that's actually the optimal pH for nutrient uptake in soil. So, yes. And that is a wacky setup you've got going on... what do all the tubes do? Autowater and nutes? Is that some in hydro and some soil? :confused:
  14. M

    Mysterious Yellowing

    Plus rep for the best move you could make, imo. I'm still a newb, but I read a LOT and pH seems to be the source of almost all non-light-related issues. Speaking of which, those will need more light soon. :D
  15. M

    Male? Female? Hermie? Im confused...

    Haha... don't complain! :D