Recent content by Micj

  1. Micj

    Let's hear from washington and colorado!

    I don't feel the change but I still treat weed like its still illegal and I think most people do. We can grow 6 plants, but only 3 can be in flower. Growing is the only legal way to get pot right now and you can share will adults up to 1 once. Everyone has fresh weed now and old compact weed...
  2. Micj

    Maturation and Harvesting of Cannabis ADVANCED INFO

    Thanks for great info. +rep
  3. Micj

    One day dry and then jars? A question about low humidity

    Hanging the whole plant works well in dry areas. This what I do and it will take twice as long to dry and hold the smell and falvor more. I have always trimed the fan leaves, but this time I'm going to leave them. Good Luck
  4. Micj

    18+ hours dark 3-4 days straight. HELp!

    Most surge protectors are only good for 13 amps at 120 volts = 1560 watts. HID lights have a in rush of power when started (larger amp draw). I wouldn't use surge protection at the receptacle install one in your main electrical panel for the entire house, this type won't trip. You need to be...
  5. Micj

    Havei done this right?

    I use this method in CO. and it works great in our dry air. Good Luck
  6. Micj

    drying in COlorado

    I cut fan leafs and hang the whole plant until outsides of bud is dry if you cut the stem off and dry, it dries fast. This helps. Don't blow fan directly on plant. (west slope) Good Luck
  7. Micj

    Are these female? Help needed [PICS]

    need better pic. but looks early for sexing
  8. Micj

    defoliation question..... anyone familiar with it?

    This sucks to hear . Thanks UB
  9. Micj

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Thanks UB for all the great info. I have been reading RUI for a long time and feel you have guided me in the right direction. I don't think I have ever asked you a question, but Thanks for all the answers. MicJ
  10. Micj

    Need help on planting seeds!@!@!

    Paper towel method works best for me.
  11. Micj

    How I handle PM

    I had this problem for a couple of runs found I need more ventalation. Now I run ventalation (outside air) 24/7 with no sign of pm. My humidity 20%. Good Luck
  12. Micj

    ok something WEIRD just happened (PLEASE READ)

    Just something to point out is every school, Auto shop, commercial building, house, garage or just about any place that has power will also have magnetic and digital ballasts of some sort (ex.) High bay lights , flouresent fixtures, recessed can lights Mag/ele. ballasts. Flourescent light...
  13. Micj

    Everything was good now my babies seem to be covered in a thousand eggs :S

    That sucks. Thats as bad as it gets. I can't get a clone without getting mites with it. I go seed only now and have no problems. Good luck
  14. Micj

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    The cops show up and you are on probation and you have a illegal grow at your house and the cops don't even need a warrant to search due to probation. Dude find smarter friends that is dumb move for anyone on probation. There is nothing you can take fall for unless the house is in your name.