Recent content by mescalinebandit420

  1. mescalinebandit420

    Laying Blotter

    yet bro, yet. in the end all letters spell LSD in some sort of way, u know.
  2. mescalinebandit420

    Laying Blotter

    In the words of Kool Aid himself, oh yea!!!!
  3. mescalinebandit420

    Miss Me?

    dont worry man. my rooms the same way cause i love fat chicks.
  4. mescalinebandit420

    Miss Me?

    hahahahaha. not too bad. looks like the extraction tek i used is a little harder than i thought though. hows life in the crypt bro?
  5. mescalinebandit420

    Miss Me?

    peek a boo. :)
  6. mescalinebandit420

    Good rap??

    that was some schoolhouse rap. get u sum curren$y and get right.
  7. mescalinebandit420


    i dont think so. lucy doesnt really go well with bacon. or badges.
  8. mescalinebandit420

    im fuckin done too man!

    its been great guys but its time for the ol bandit to be moving along. what phelps said really got to me. i dont need any substance to make me or my life better. i think this is for the best. oh and you better believe i aint done with the herbs, not by a long shot. just call me peter parker...
  9. mescalinebandit420

    Public anouncement .... Let 'Em Know It's Time To Go ...

    see ya there bro. u smell bacon too, huh?
  10. mescalinebandit420

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    hells yea tenner. im totally gonna have to try it. i just hope i dont start thinkin about soup too. haha. i love me a good brocolli/cheddar soup though so who knows right.
  11. mescalinebandit420

    A few questions...

    sounds crazy enough that it just might work.
  12. mescalinebandit420

    Done Done Done... Fucking done..

    good points phelps. i can see myself doing the same thing one day but herb is just something i dont think i can go without. it just holds a spot in my life and heart that i cant explain. and dont worry about all your smashed smokeware bro. reshopping for new stuff is always megafun. can you say...
  13. mescalinebandit420

    Done Done Done... Fucking done..

    i understand phelps. your doin what you know is right for you. i hope you stay in touch bro. you will definetly be missed.
  14. mescalinebandit420

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    great report. im gonna have to try the shower things next time i do sum K. i wonder how crazy it would feel to get sum head while on ketamine? haha.
  15. mescalinebandit420

    Alex Grey - Ganesha / Shiva Blotter Artwork LSD

    good luck man. im sure you will be able to make a trade. and we want pics. ive never had the chance to see a concert of that magnitude before. hopefully they come through houston on tour. does anyone know if they are?