Recent content by mamaape

  1. mamaape

    Sphagnum peat moss

    well the main concern i have for you is when you decided to start feeding your own nutrients because the mg mix already containing stuff could cause burn or lock out..if you do use it in a mix its imo that you might want to just feed water for the first three weeks of veg so the ladies eat up...
  2. mamaape

    Cloning, Is this normal for 5 hours in?

    ha sorry for the late reply and thanks for the rep..if i need 50 il take 60/70 just to be safe..i also do all of my trimming prior to cutting..i cut at an angle as well but then i carefully peel down the skin from the nearest leaf or node just the skin don't go to deep..this opens up a larger...
  3. mamaape

    neem in humid?

    just a thought, i love neem but hate the tedious application. and no matter how hard we try even with a soaking wet lady im positive a leaf has been missed. so what if we kinda bomb with a humidafier? i have a one liter humidafier so if i mixed up the water with neem as if i was gana spray and...
  4. mamaape

    vertical x sog factors?

    bump bump.. hmm i was thinking perhaps i could get away with one 1000hps if i threw in some cfls? but what watt cfl should i use? and would two be enough? to be honest i am trying to bump down my power if i can cut out a couple 1000watters and still achieve the same results id be one...
  5. mamaape

    Warning??? RIU members

    haha, they do have NPK meters for soil reusable at it might not tell you what is wrong with your plant but it will tell you what your lacking in the NPK ratio...gardens cure site has one for like thirty bucks. hope that helps..
  6. mamaape

    vertical x sog factors?

    well it is 6' wide at the out side corners, the boxes are 1' wide so the inside is 5' wide the out side walls are1.33ft,cool tubes are 6'' so thats like 4 and a 1/2ft away from the ladies i like to veg till they are just under a ft..i usually have the tubes hanging above each other obviously but...
  7. mamaape

    out door/green house 2010 grow

    so i've been doing mite warfare thanks to a careless friend and well mites! anyhow i will be taking pictures of my all new cuts and at this point i won't be able to put out the first batch in march...but may is sneaking up will include the green house process..
  8. mamaape

    vertical x sog factors?

    bump bump... wow i didn't realise this was a class room and i would have a teacher that feels the need to be demeaning... also as i conduct all of this from the inconvenience of my cell phone i don't really care much if my grammar stumbles a bit, but the questions i asked are valid.. so if you...
  9. mamaape

    vertical x sog factors?

    so i grow vertical and i grow sog, i grow perpetually..but i have an extra octi and was thinking if i cut it in half tore out my sog table and well did sog in the mini octi well would the bend caused by the vertical factor have an adverse reaction meaning lowering yields or lack of focus on the...
  10. mamaape

    my set up good/bad

    well the pictures are kinda vague..but honestly many things could be better but that aside, that looks like foil not mylar, watch out for hot spot due to the foil(sun burn) if you can get some matt white paint use that if not mylar, and if you must use foil wrinkle it up like that a...
  11. mamaape

    Cloning, Is this normal for 5 hours in?

    well one thing no one has mentioned don't touch them at all after left a bit to much leaf only two large fans with the tips cut..are you cutting then dipping in clone solution or resting in water within moments of taking cuts if not they could all have air much foliage is a...
  12. mamaape

    When using multiple cfl's, breaker keeps flipping off..

    well if your tripping your breakers its overloaded of course but this shouldn't be happening as cfls barely use any amps when compared to an oven running at high temps.. if its an older home its very likely corners have been cut and things where cascaded like your washer and fridge are supposed...
  13. mamaape

    molasses during veg ?

    this is why one would use it in veg...while its benefits are more visible during flower it is important during veg as well..molasses acts as a catalyst or " carbo booster" its main function is to act as a carrier in other words it helps the plant uptake nutrients...and this is the main...
  14. mamaape

    When should I top my young mothers?

    i like to wait until they're about two to three feet tall, unless you need like A cut..topping now would just stress them out imo seeing as they're still might prune every other large leaf once a week to let in light and quicken growth..all this stuff works well for me i hope it...
  15. mamaape

    Carbo/Amino Loaders is it hype or does it work?

    well part of this is imo and part of this is factual...ok carbo boosters are nothing more than black strap molasses you can get it at most healthy food stores for about eight dollars use a table spoon per gallon..i always pre mix it in a gallon of warm water to make sure it is good and dissolved...