Recent content by macz9043

  1. M

    Too early to tell?

    Well i know it might be too early to tell right now but ive been flowering for a few days and was wondering if anyone could even see any female traits on the plants. Im stuck so any input would be good..
  2. M

    new picz

    I would just make sure that you have atleast 5000 lumens with floro. Thats what i had when i first started my veg on 3 plants but i moved to HPS. For flowering im using HPS and LED.
  3. M

    new picz

    Yeah i agree, plants are stretching way to high. You either have not enough light or its too far away. Are you using floro, CFL, MH, or HPS? I'd bury your stretched seedlings down further and let that part of the stem root out. But other than that they look very promising.
  4. M

    From drip to bubble

    Well, I had to rotate the plants 180 degrees because i dont think the smaller ones were getting enough light? I dk...They seem to be growing well but Im having to mess with the hood height a little. Im running a 250w HPS light for 3 plants i hope thats enough light. My red LED light should be...
  5. M

    From drip to bubble

    Well I have a few pics that show my setup. It's a small room but it seems to be working fine. The fish are still alive and I've been reading that if you feed them goldfish flakes it makes the buds taste funny. So I feed them frozen brine shrimp. I guess only time will tell. I'm thinking about...
  6. M

    From drip to bubble

    changed the setup from a drip hybrid to bubble with goldfish and nutes, ill keep everyone up dated
  7. M

    Male or Female?

    thanks for all the feedback, but i thought that male's 'balls' hang? they arent hanging. they're attached at the cross section and pointing somewhat upwards....i dunno. i guess i have to wait it out..:spew:...ill let you know how it goes. Anyone have any advice before i start growing my 'haze'?
  8. M

    Male or Female?

    thanks...i was getting scared they werent going to be's another pic....
  9. M

    Male or Female?

    I'm growing 2 more seedlings in an aerogarden that im waiting for the little water leaves to fall off before i transplant.
  10. M

    Male or Female?

    I got some more pics. Let me know what you think....I'm thinking they're going to be female but i dunno....this is still my first grow
  11. M

    Male or Female?

    Thanks hank,I started the seeds in a aerogarden that used CFL then i moved them into this system i made using a 250W HPS light w/ a batwing reflector.
  12. M

    Male or Female?

    Whats up all? This is my first grow and i was wondering what you guys thought about the first two plants they are around 36 days old. How do you think they are looking? I cant tell the sex because i see no balls or pistols but i see something starting....ill post more pics when i get a better...