Recent content by macpinker

  1. M

    san pedro cactus

    Ive done peruvian torch twice before, I didnt prepare it at all, unless you count mixing with OJ :) but I did trip balls... My question is where did you find 5 feet of san pedro for $30?
  2. M

    if u like L like i do please help out with my ????

    The original alice in wonderland from disney is a personal favorite and has a lot of history with acid... if not then id say the yellow submerine
  3. M

    WTF Has happened.shroomed two times and now, being HIGH is lll fucked up!!??

    Shrooms are but a key to your mind, they open doors by triggering certain receptors in your brain. However it is possible to open these doors without the use of psychedelic drugs. To me it sounds like your brain is independently triggering these receptors whenever it feels the effects of the herb
  4. M

    Oh Where Oh Where Has The Quality Control Gone?

    I agree, quality is shit these days... I have personally spent about 2 hundred $ on fake acid over the past two years... I have yet to find real acid
  5. M

    the 2009 wave of hippies and psychedelics

    I 100% agree, this whole system is so messed up. The government and the corperations have trapped the general public and turned them into mindless drones who do everything their told, go to work M-F 9-5, and believe everything theyre told. What we need is another revolution, another sixties...