Recent content by luissotelo

  1. L

    Multi tent setup with 400w HPS HIDs

    HEY PUFF what size are those tents? and what brand buddy? oh also what size is that fan? Do you have intake fans ? I guess you dont need none if your crusing in th 70 and 80 -but i dont know you might need some once it gets crowded.
  2. L

    My First Growroom

    6 dude and get going with the widow forget the reggy clone the widow get going bro. Or ad more light and do it big might as well my friend you got the space.
  3. L

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    Have You Guys Seen The Other Grow Here Called The '" Led Grow" There Using Three Proycon Lights 20 Plants!! Perfect Test No Veg Light Pure Led! So Far There Plants Are Looking Healthy, Check Them Out Let Me Know What You Think.
  4. L

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    Procyon -100w Led Light The Best Ive Seen Go To -- This Light Supposed To Equal A 400 Hps And It Only Uses 100w Chek It Out.
  5. L

    Fluro household lights

    Theres A Light Ive Been Looking At On Ebay Its A T8 Or T5 I Dont Remember But It Puts Out The Same Amount As A 400 Hps And Is An 8 Bulb Comes With Blue Bulbs And Flowering Bulbs!! Its Like 300 Only Uses Like 150 Watts Look For It Under Grow Lights , Everybody Says That You Cant Get A Good Yield...
  6. L

    West+ advanced compost...

    What Did You End Up Getting In That Lowrider2 ?weight? How Does It Taste ? What Type Of Soil And Light?
  7. L

    Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow
