Recent content by Kronkrux

  1. K

    first dxm trip

    Hmm I dont know this plateu stuff but I drank a partial bottle of vicks and a full bottle of robitussen, I saw a black dragon circling above my computer for about 2 minutes. Not super clear, but had a faint reddish tinge and was mostly black. I didnt feel sick and I didnt feel drunk. I felt...
  2. K

    Need help passing urine test for po!!!

    I cant stress this enough, nobodys for certain on anything in life, but they may help you. (Dont believe 100% of what you read is what im saying/ Especially when its on a website that sells you something.) Heres some info I saw on the site today From SeamoreGanja420: Home Remedies and Other...
  3. K

    Need help passing urine test for po!!!

    I smoked every day for over a year about stopped for about 16 days if that and I passed my test. Basically the gist of any "test clear" type of idea or product is just alot of fluid. Even half the get clear products that cost 40 at headshops still tell you to drink alot of water. Id just get...
  4. K

    May sound dumb but...CFL?

    These are what the one guy was talking about with the power strip and light sockets. Its really a neat idea I have seen them used before, you can use these and use splitters and fit a ton of lights into a tiny space. (Using a normal wire around the Y socket and the power strip because with the...
  5. K

    pistils (skunk #1 )

    Some of the tutorials or how to's explain that once the pistils turn red the plant is ready. It is not as accurate as waiting for half the trichomes to turn amber but is another way of judging when a plant is finished. Not everyone has a pocket microscope handy :) If its not ready the day...
  6. K

    Hermi -- keep em or not?

    I smoked some great weed with seeds I had to pick out. Probably 4th best out of 6 years of smoking. It may affect potency, but if it still gets you high... its weed :) I would keep it, cut the ball clusters off or something it may work. Stun the plant a little maybe, but atleast you wont...
  7. K

    whats the best way to germinate your seed???

    I take some toilet paper or a paper towel. (I have not noticed chlorine or chemical free making a difference) Fold it over on itself until its about 5 inchs wide and 3 tall, then drop my seeds in making sure none are touching and fold the paper towel over twice and put it into a ziplock bag...
  8. K

    help with firecrackers

    haha nice :) Ill have to make some of them soon. mmm tasty
  9. K

    Male vs Female

    Linking to info. Male plants grow balls, female plants grow circular balls with 2 pistils coming out of it in the shape of a V. May sound complicated but once you see a male and female its unmistakable. No males plants do not grow buds...
  10. K


    I see hairs and not a sign of tangles of grapes or balls. Looks female to me too!
  11. K

    nute burn or light burn? please look at my pic and tell me

    Odd yeah. To me the spotting looks like nutes, but the big cruncy part looks like a light burn to me. I say lights because it looks like its happen to only 2 leaves mainly? both next to eachother. One at the base on the right side the other the whole leaf except the base. Unless I am seeing...
  12. K

    help with firecrackers

    Heres some info, remember this is not the be all end all its just one random recipe that I found. You did a higher temp than this recipe but cut the time down so who knows you may be just fine :) and there are other recipes that do say at 350 so who knows maybe its elevation. I did not write...
  13. K

    LIGHTing: color temp and spectrum Question

    Every light just about has some of every spectrum, its just higher in certain points. If your T8 says its 2800, it probably is. I do not understand how your lumens are so low? Just one of my lights gives 1400 lumens and its a cheesy 20 actual watt CFL. You WILL need more for flowering even...
  14. K

    How much light for my seedling?

    I personally do 24/0 and keep my CFLs barely above the plants with a light breeze from a fan on them. I do not want height nor do I like stretching my growspace is small. As others have said... 18/6 is good if heat is an issue. I will for the first time have to switch to 18/6 this summer due to...
  15. K

    Lowest indoor strains, up to 50 cm?

    Lowest indoor strain? Its Low Ryder or Low Rhyder or Low Rider ( I cant remember exactly ) It gets about a foot tall to 18 inchs, starts flowering nearly as soon as its up and growing. You can grow these just about anywhere, amazing plant. Pretty much the whole plant ends up the bud.