Recent content by KittyCat

  1. K

    Purchased a Dissolved Oxygen (DO) meter

    I'm following for sure! Something doesn't make sense, but could very well be something we didn't anticipate. It'll be great to see exactly how much an airstone helps. I'd like to compare it to an LP aeroponic setup too! I'm running an SB cloner with 10 misters and some thread is saying you...
  2. K

    Rockwool germination moisture level???

    Put an unused RW cube next to your babies. When you are checking for watering, feel the weight of the unused/dry one and compare it to one of your babies. If you babies are heavier, they don't need water, if they're about the same weight just dip a corner into water for about 1/2 second. You're...
  3. K

    Purchased a Dissolved Oxygen (DO) meter

    Please run... 1) With H2O2 2) Overnight w/airstone (I'm guessing the bubbles take a while to saturate the water. ie. slow O2 thru water surface tension.) 3) Buy one of those new fangled thingy that measures temps. :) --------------Kitty
  4. K

    First grow, help is appreciated

    Why are we talking about soil in a Hydroponics / Aeroponics forum in a Aerogardeners sub-forum? I'm a newbie following a stream of a few posts and then I read something about soil. No wonder I have problems growing a weed! :grin:
  5. K

    Rock-wool To Areoponic question?

    I'm a rookie, but.... If they are started in rockwool and they have any sort of root system (as opposed to just 1 tap root) it is next to impossible to get all the rockwool out of the roots. And if you have a bunch of rockwool hanging on to the roots it will tend to hold water, which will keep...
  6. K

    What type of lights should I use?

    Good start, but you have it backwards. You want 160 going out and 60 coming in. The 100 will come from somewhere, like all the little leaks in your growing area. You'll have extra air coming in under the door, around the windows. Much, much better than all that extra (smelly, dopey) air being...
  7. K

    Inverted plant

    I think y'all been smokin' too much. Besides, if you grew it upside wouldn't it get you "low" instead of "high?" :)
  8. K

    Hydrogen Peroxide feeding schedule

    Mr. Fuct (respected poster) adds 1ml per liter of 50% grade H2O2 every couple days. If you have a pathogen problem he says to "hit it" w/ 5ml per liter. I assume he means hit it once.
  9. K

    We're all fuct now

    Ah CRAP! Someone help me now, PLEASE! Didn't think my beans would start sprouting so quick. ( 36 hours! paper towel in plastic bag on a heat pad) I have a ph/TDS meter ordered, but I guess I can't wait. The water company says my ph is 7.8. I need to lower it to 5.0 to presoak my 1.5" rockwool...
  10. K

    We're all fuct now

    Is this what you use? It says Canna AQUA Flores A (& Canna AQUA Flores B)? Just want to do it right. Sorry for separate posts for the 2nd question. I know how you hate that. :) Attn: Bob Smith - I plan on posting the Fuct Bible, but I want to clean it up some first. (BUT I do take after Mr...
  11. K

    We're all fuct now

    Al, really, really appreciate all you advise. I've made an "Fuct Bible" containing all of your posts that aren't you just repeating yourself for noobs. :) I would like a quick post from you detailing your handling of your mums. 3X3 tray, 450 light in cooltube. What size pot and contents? Same...