Recent content by justint101

  1. justint101

    mothers how to u keep them

    wat size pots do u keep ur mother plants thanks
  2. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    thanks for all the infor id like to do it in the attic cos i can get a bigger tent and my shed just about fitts my tent in thereas u can see theres not much room in there
  3. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    yea planning on doing my attic out got no room in my house so i better wait un till i get better at growing before i switch to led guess ill after just kept on being paranoid lol
  4. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    in the great state of wales im a noob at all this only got 1 grow under my belt and im on my sec now im in the 1st week of flowering im always paranoid of getting bust and shit thats way id love to get led but dont just want to go out and waste my money
  5. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    thanks dude cant wait to see how urs goes think i got to wait till my grow that i got going on now finshes i got a 1,2by1,2 tent in my shed and always worrys about the heat and all that shit if i get 1 of these i could take my tent out and just grow in my shed
  6. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    soil in 3 gallon pots ill sub to see how u do im in the uk too
  7. justint101

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    just read all this forum and still dont understand any of this but would 1 of these 550W LED panel be ok for for 6 plants i have a 600watt hid
  8. justint101

    The easy route? Grow tents/kits?
  9. justint101


    13amp extension try a 20 amp 1 im not sure thou hope it helps if not sorry
  10. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    thanks dude im looking hard i seen that shop on ebay been looking at them was think about getting the bigger 1s cos i dont know fuck all about wiring and stuff like that
  11. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    yea i got a 1.4,1.4,2m tent setup already for flowering just want to set up a veg room with cfl
  12. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    im dull as fuck wat do i plug them all in too
  13. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    know for the best place to get them or just ebay them ?
  14. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    thanks mate im another uk bum too
  15. justint101

    how much cfl watts do i need

    how much cfl watts do i need for 6 plants in veg thanks alott reps given