Recent content by jordanh89

  1. J

    Poor Man's Indoor Grow

    i would put one seed per cup. id poke holes in saran so it could breathe and get fresh co2. the vegatative stage is anytime before it flowers i think. it will veg for awhile. i kept mine in the window sill until it got big enough that i thought it could survive outside. if youre putting them in...
  2. J

    Day 39 in the flower room of our legal medical grow

    good lookin grow. keep up the good work
  3. J

    plant dying... help

    so im growing some plants outside... were having big storms and one plant got flooded out of its pot. the leaves are all droopy.. i dont think there is any root damage, just wondering if it has a chance. anyone had a plant start to die and save it? i have it inside under a flourecent right now...
  4. J

    doggie's nuts

    Anyone tried/ heard of doggie's nuts seeds? I saw seeds selling for couple hundred bucks.
  5. J

    lights needed for autofloweirng plants...

    Im new to all this. I'm doing my second outdoor grow and about to start an indoor grow. Considering doing an autoflowering plant for time and space reasons. Since the plants are smaller can I use a different type of light that hps or mh?