Recent content by jonesy6140

  1. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    BY THE WAY....if anyone is ever wanting to know if hygrozyme works my answer is......IT IS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO MY GROW
  2. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    WHOAAAAA its been a while. so check this out, i talked to my roomate and told him whats goin down and that i'd put them into flower earlier than i had wanted and they would be harvested by late january and i wouldnt keep that part sucks buttt....that means the grow is ON and has...
  3. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    so naturally with all the crap going on right now in my life i decided i would try my hand at topping above the second node.....hopefully everything turns out well :-o here are some pics
  4. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    alright ladieeeeessssss heres the master plan.....i may or may not be epicly blazed BUT none the going to go with the idea of riding out the grow....we have a spare bedroom im thinking about moving it into that closet and putting a deadbolt on the door......throwing them into flower...
  5. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    this isn't really an "update" buttttttttt my roomate just told me he somehow let it slip to his MOM OF ALL PEOPLE, that im growing.......(is he for real?!?!?!) im facing a huge predicament right now.....not cool
  6. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    yeah i mean it was a roommate thing so me rumblin through the house with 2 huge light fixtures on my shoulder i had to tell him, but yeah either A) he told his mom and he's just that dumb or B) he's a pussy and doesnt wanna tell me he doesn't like me growing so he's blaming it on his...
  7. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    yeah i got a couple of friends that all ready have shitloads of bud in their house at any given time so i figure there would be no risk for them more then they already have so i mayyyyyyyyy look into workin a deal with them and he's a nonchalant guy nothin was really...
  8. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    oh yeah no im all about bros before everything.....but he told his mom....and she is making him move out....i was minding my own business i dont see how this is my what alternate universe was it a good idea to tell his mom? and now all my money has to go to waste because he told...
  9. jonesy6140

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    My good friend and roommate decided it would be a good idea to offhandedly tell his mom im growing in my closet..........on what planet that is a good idea i have no clue...but his mom says i either have to kill/get rid of the plants or he has to move out.....WTF KIND OF A CHOICE IS THAT? a fat...
  10. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    thats what im sayin, the initial investment pales in comparison to the reward
  11. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    sweeeeeet yeah im gonna drop this whole months supply of money on the hydro store and probly have to live off ramen noodles....AGAIN haha it'll be worth it:bigjoint:
  12. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    cool thanks beaver yeah i check them ALL the time so its nice to see someone sees improvement, i feel like they're growing like slugs can't wait to go shopping for REAL bloom nutes next week :hump:
  13. jonesy6140

    First Time DWC closet grow, blue widow, help welcomed/wanted!

    i've seen a huge improvement in the number of leaf sets since my last update, ive also layed a lot of black cloth across the res. to keep out light as i have been battling algae. Since i flushed the res. and got rid of the algae i've seen a large improvment but still a lot more growth to go...
  14. jonesy6140

    Is this too big?

    i am in the process right now, and i see what you are saying about what a nightmare it would be. but i just figured if a well known grower has done it successfully that it CAN be done.
  15. jonesy6140

    Trouble getting a seedling started

    heck yeah those things will go NUTS if you don't keep an eye on them....they'll try and do a "wet papertowel grow" on their own hahah