Recent content by john mcrules

  1. J

    A Funny high

    i grew some chunky cheese and was surprised at the buzz i get. i laugh at the silliest things at times as do company. i had to harvest early due to termite kill. the tris were clear and about a month early. does that affect the high if you pick too early? i dont mind a good long laugh but...
  2. J

    cfl builbs lifespan

    i'd replace them when they burn out :D OSRAM... is the manufacturer? were you vegging with the white warm too? just curious. i'm using 6500 for veg
  3. J

    recently ripped off

    decisions decisions....that's what you'll have to make now :) soil or hydro? location? lighting? ventilation? if ya do the search thingy you will find tons of advice on this board...most is good! check youtube for "Ready Set Grow" video. it is well thought out and good place to...
  4. J

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    Ok October is here. Do we get an update or did ya mean October of 2010? :-?
  5. J

    another year same sad

    termites tunnel up the trunk. as they near the exterior they create hollow spots which apear as brown lines. one thing you can do is clip a lower drooping branch and see if it is hollowed out like a straw. if it is hollow then termites are the problem. another thing to try is pressing the...
  6. J

    Wonders of LST & Tastey bud shot

    cool concept. gonna have to add it to my list of things to learn. alot more to this stuff than growing grass in the yard.
  7. J

    Wonders of LST & Tastey bud shot

    nice crop! i've seen the term LST used frequently. googled it and got -- land ship tank. lol would ya mind educating me about what LST means? thanks!
  8. J

    Split Trunk problem

    Hi, I am wondering if others have had this problem or know what causes it. I have attached 2 pics ... one close up of the problem area and another showing the plant growth. Since she is in the budding stage and has done well up to now i would love to try to save her. Any reasons or solutions...