Recent content by Jjwelsh79

  1. J

    How do I put picks up...???

    How do I put picks up...???
  2. J

    Also I am using led lights...

    Also I am using led lights...
  3. J

    Any idea what's going on with my plant it's about 5 ft tall in soil ,but it's been in bed just...

    Any idea what's going on with my plant it's about 5 ft tall in soil ,but it's been in bed just over 2 weeks and theres no bud just what looks like cuttings growing on it ...
  4. J


    Ok thanks that's a reel help
  5. J


    Hi I will soon be changing over to feminized seeds instead of autos,can I start them on 24/7 light ,then drop it to 12/12 when they are ready??? Or does it have to be 18/6 then 12/12 ???
  6. J


    Ok thanks alot you have been a great help,cheers.
  7. J


    How long will it stay in bud once it turns ???? Will it be 7 weeks
  8. J


    So if it starts to bud at say 9 weeks how long do I leave it to bud ???
  9. J


    Hi I am growing 3 autos 2 are purple haze and one is banner ,they are 6 and a half weeks old on 24/7 .the 2 purple haze started budding 3 weeks ago,but the banner which is nice and big hasn't even starting budding yet , is there any chance it's not a auto but a feminized seed and it won't start...
  10. J


    Wow that’s really interesting, thanks.
  11. J


    True thanks for the advice
  12. J


    Not my first time, but I normally use a 2m squared tent with one 600 light , but I have had to scale down to a 1m squared tent this has resulted in all my baby’s getting cooked because of the heat off my light,which is why I bought a 1200 l e d light which is great as no heat stress , but am...
  13. J


    Has anyone out there grown autos under led light??? Was just wondering if I should try autos or just use feminised seeds???
  14. J


  15. J

    Unfeminized seeds

    Any one no the best way to check you haven’t got any male plants , when they are in the baby stages???