Recent content by Jesse_tpfi

  1. J

    Harvest, trim buds and bag it wet...

    If your smoke is 'smelling like grass' after it has been chopped down then you are cropping too early. Cannabis when it's chopped down and drying should smell hashy, if it doesn't then it wasn't ready and was taken too early. Best way to avoid this and something I believe every grower should...
  2. J

    10L in 9 L out

    Probably just use less water then, just to save waste and carry on watering as often as you see fit
  3. J

    Please help, second grow with problems

    Wahey! Really happy for you mate. Can't wait to see how she smokes! What smells are you getting off her?
  4. J

    10L in 9 L out

    You don't need to water until runoff. If you have given the plants ten litres and got nine litres of run off, that means your plants have only used 1 litre of water in the last 24hours. Over watering is a big issue and is just as bad as under watering. It can, in some cases, be worse. Coco...
  5. J

    Please help, second grow with problems

    All looking great mate, well done. You've really turned these plants around. have you started flushing yet? These are very near ready to be introduced to some scissors :D
  6. J

    A new home

    Thanks barnbuster! Great to be here
  7. J

    A new home

    So I thought it was about time I actually got round to introducing myself properly! I'm Jesse_tpfi, there's a chance some may remember me from other forums, spent most of my time on Thctalk, back in the day. I've not been very active on the forums over the past few years but really enjoying...
  8. J

    First Plant Ready to Harvest..I think?

    How long has she been flowering for and do you know what strain you have?
  9. J

    Do these girls look healthy? Not sure what my next move is 2 are staying indoor in grow tent. The rest are for outside.

    My best advice would b to veg them for a couple weeks indoors. Then move the ones you're putting outside to a shady spot for a week or so to stop sun burn and let them acclimate, when it's warm enough to do so. Then move into full sun/plant where you want to finish them. Be sure to repot as needed.
  10. J

    Original sensible seeds store refusing refund on bad seeds. Stay away from them!

    I understand your frustration mate, I really do. Always try and work WITH people in future. If it ever happens again I'd reccomend telling them about your issue and ask if there is 'any help they can offer' and you'll be surprised how often it goes you way.
  11. J

    Original sensible seeds store refusing refund on bad seeds. Stay away from them!

    Oh yeah I see that now, your first email is where you lost the battle. It wasn't 'to the point' it was just rude Next time I really recommend starting with a 'hello' and going from there. You didn't try and start a conversation you basically assaulted them with your complaint. You wouldn't...
  12. J

    Original sensible seeds store refusing refund on bad seeds. Stay away from them!

    This is why I asked about your first email. Never approach companies demanding a refund as they are less inclined to help you. You always have to consider that it may not have been their fault. I also believe that any grower who refuses to accept they made a mistake and sticks to 'not being a...
  13. J

    Two plants - identical environment/feed - one has leaf damage

    Fish meal is a hot fertiliser and I think its burning the WW or possibly throwing PH out of line. You answered your own question when you asked it by the way. The plants aren't identical, dont treat them as such. The WW may not have been ready for a feed,. Try and get a couple more pics up...
  14. J

    Original sensible seeds store refusing refund on bad seeds. Stay away from them!

    This is a tough one They don't owe you refund as all seeds are sold as souvenirs. Pale seeds don't mean 'underdeveloped seeds' And how you stored them for four months could have a huge impact on germination rates. They are technically in the right. I'm curious, what did your first email say?
  15. J

    Please help, second grow with problems

    That said I always note down company reccomended flowering times as it'd be silly not to haha