Recent content by Jay-Ed.Tech

  1. Jay-Ed.Tech

    How much did you spend

    If you cant afford this hobby you might consider post stamp collecting
  2. Jay-Ed.Tech

    New project ideas

  3. Jay-Ed.Tech

    New project ideas

    Rent a U-haul had one last week to move some stuff and hotboxed the crap out her
  4. Jay-Ed.Tech

    This happened immediately after watering

    Right on, Seems alright though
  5. Jay-Ed.Tech

    what do you think?

    I use 99cents solo cups to a 5 gallon to a 10 then finish with a 15/20
  6. Jay-Ed.Tech

    what do you think?

    I believe thats a perfect idea if you can earlier the better mines are beautiful
  7. Jay-Ed.Tech

    Lets GRO

    Lets GRO