Recent content by Its a hobby

  1. I

    I know this goes against every rule, BUT...

    are those rabbits really eating marijuana leaves?
  2. I

    Water Curing Q's

    Thanks to mexico...
  3. I

    Help,DO i have a Hermi?

    where did you buy it from?
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    i know that every time i see your avatar in threads i laugh hysterically for a few.
  5. I

    2nd AG grow 1 Violator Kush, 1 White Widow, 1 Durban Poison, 1 Northern Lights

    for sure i got some white widow from them and they tossed me a fewbongsmilie power skunk for fun. btw GL with your grow! ill be starting mine shortly...
  6. I

    2nd AG grow 1 Violator Kush, 1 White Widow, 1 Durban Poison, 1 Northern Lights

    for sure i got some white widow from them and they tossed me a fewbongsmilie power skunk for fun.
  7. I

    Why I do not do LSD

    So religion is profitable..... Therefore it stays lingering in the valuable time that we have here on earth, figuring out "why?" while we still have a chance. Religion is such a long road in the WRONG direction to the meaning of life (IMO)
  8. I

    I miss my smoke.

    Which leads me to the next problem...holding a lighter long enough. I'd just have to think like a junkie and get a candle.
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    I miss my smoke.

    Yeah it works great... but for some reason it seemed very harsh to inhale.bongsmilie I think the direct flame against the glass still burns the marijuana too much to be "vaporized" i think
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    DEA continues pot raids Obama opposes

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    100 Things That Are Worse For You Than Weed

    ground BEEF from wal mart
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    Why I do not do LSD

    LSD is safe...physically. Is it really sensible to say that LSD (and even marijuana for that fact) is safe? It absolutely isn't. Besides the fact that marijuana is not good for your lungs, depending on what type of person you are, it may not be safe for "EVERYONE" to smoke. Like LSD, it...
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    Why I do not do LSD

    I am very glad that i found this thread. I KNOW I'm slightly psychotic. It's not like the voices are telling me things though. They go along with what one person said about how your brain learns to do things. (ei your bubbly world.) So what I'm trying to say is that the voices that are being...
  14. I

    Best lighting for seedlings

    nice...thank you for that info.
  15. I

    Best lighting for seedlings

    is it absolutely necessary to use cfls or would 150-250watt hps be suitable for a full plant cycle?