Recent content by HydroGuy

  1. H

    How Crucial is it to change water every week...

    I agree with BeastGrow. I wouldn't wait longer than 2 weeks to change the water.
  2. H

    OG#18 2nd week flower problems

    It looks like a nutrient deficiency of some kind. My guess is that the pH is too high and nutrient level is too low. Take your nutrients up to about 1.4 EC and your pH down to 5.8. Make sure you're using the full spectrum of nutrients. Also use some superthrive and wormcasting and/or bat...
  3. H

    drooping leaves?

    It looks fine. But I think you're right about the leaves getting heavy for the stem. Those are some big ass fan leaves on that small plant.
  4. H

    nutes and reservoir

    Are you checking the nutrient solution with a pH/nutrient meter? I usually change the nutrient solution weekly, but it really depends on your setup and how much your plants are "drinking". Do you have small plants with a large reservoir or do you have a large plant with a small reservoir? Great...
  5. H

    How many plants can i grow with 150watt hps? 1st grow.......

    You really do need a larger light. If that's all you have to work with, then keep them small and surround them with reflective material to make the best use of the light you do have. You could also just grow the seeds 1 or 2 at a time.
  6. H

    what is wrong? +rep for all assistance

    Sounds like it's time to transplant. Or you could just flush them with 1/4 strength nutrient solution and some superthrive.
  7. H


    It looks like a nutrient deficiency problem, but it's hard to tell. (I'm guessing calcium/magnesium) You said the nutrients were at full strength, so maybe the pH is a little too high. Flush if you like, but then I'd give them 1/2 to 3/4 strength nutrients until harvest time.
  8. H

    Mother Plant?

    Sorry, Yes, I'm thinking of the small aerogarden that fits on your counter top. I wasn't aware that they came in larger models.
  9. H

    120mm PC fans for cool tube??

    I don't think the answer is the fan. I think the answer is going to be your heat source. You light doesn't have to be just on the top of your chamber. Line the inside of your box with some cfl's and I think you'll be amazed with the results.
  10. H

    600 HPS and T5 with 8 bulbs?

    I would say you should move your 600 HPS about 2-5 feet away from the plants. The T5 can be just a little closer.
  11. H

    120mm PC fans for cool tube??

    I think a Pc fan will work but that small space will get hot with a 400w light in there. Have you thought about using a few cfl's instead?
  12. H

    Possible to grow on 40 watts???

    The sun. If that's not possible then use a larger CFL or a HPS.
  13. H

    disposable c02 dispenser

    My advice would be to buy a CO2 regulator, a tank and a digital timer. It will be more cost effective in the long run.
  14. H

    Mother Plant?

    Yes, but not for very long. It will outgrow the aerogarden quickly. You'll probably get about 2 months out of it or about 2-3 sets of clones.
  15. H

    Which hydro system makes most sense for me?

    I agree with StonedBlown Skiller. 1-1.5 months is a long veg time for hydro. Get some trays and set up an ebb and flow system.