Recent content by hot_squirrel

  1. H

    Coronavirus Disinfection

    I advise to read research about Covid-19, here you may found interesting facts, the latest news about vaccine and the possible ways how to protect in community. COVID-19 and artificial intelligence: protecting health-care workers and curbing the spread and COVID-19 and mental health are quite...
  2. H

    Putting the myth to the test: Certo to pass a drug test

    Don't anything about Certo Sure Jell Detox , but of my friend used once Sure Jell to Pass a Drug Test for Weed. In this article, we will be focusing on how to use Certo in order to pass a urinary drug test with the Certo for THC detox method being designed to remove drug toxins from the body on...
  3. H

    Hair follicle test? I have helpful info!

    I've had multiple hair tests, and everytime they give you the option of where you want the hair taken from. If your hair is long then they'll take it from your head, if you don't want them to take it from your head then you can roll up your pant leg and they shave 1 leg from knee to ankle all...
  4. H

    Niacin, drug test (help)

    I've never heard about niacin help in a drug test passing. Do you try it somewhere? I read that the detoxification process is very long and you need not only pills but some special drinks as well. I've read the Toxin rid is really and Ultra THC detox good as well but actually i don't know what...