Recent content by homer265

  1. homer265

    vegetable oil?

    I'm pretty new to all of this but how did he dilute it, the oil will naturally float on top of your reservoir and if your pump is submerged it wouldn't pull the oil up to the plants. If you deep water garden then the roots would dangle in it for sure, I would think it would hinder the roots in...
  2. homer265

    Bugs or nutrient damage? pics....

    I am still waiting on my magnifying glass to arrive and was wondering what the over all oppinion was on this, bugs or nute burn.
  3. homer265

    Anyone Interested In Cannabis Recipes?

    This sounds so good, I can't wait to try it. +rep for all the great recipes. Anyone use a slow cooker to make the butter?
  4. homer265

    Posting Pics

    under my profile you can click on attachments and that should open up a list of all the pics you have uploaded. You can click any pic and delete it from this screen.
  5. homer265

    1 plant more mature than the others and now showing signs of seeds

    you know I was worried about the bug thing. I can't see anything visually, I have read about the spots so I ordered a 10x jeweler eye glass to really see whats going on but it has not arrived yet. I kinda thought it was the nutes I was using in the vegg state I am afraid I wasn't very scientific...
  6. homer265

    1 plant more mature than the others and now showing signs of seeds

    Thank you Jondamon I appreciate the help. :)
  7. homer265

    1 plant more mature than the others and now showing signs of seeds

    Hey, one of my plants has really exploded on the scene. It has nice flower growth while the other plans are still vegging. I just noticed what appears to be male parts on it and it has great flowers so I'm thinking herme. This is my first grow and I might have had some light timer issue earlier...
  8. homer265

    first time cloning

    hey Max I see that you are pretty skilled in the art of cloning. I have recently started 8 plants from seed. I built a cloner and want to try it out. My question is about choosing the mother. I know that if you choose a mother that is flowering it will add time to the growth of the clone...