Recent content by Hilljo17

  1. H

    Seedling leaves Curling

    News flash!!! I just woke up and my plants did a full 360 growing like wildfire now, all i did was pour some non ph adjust wa
  2. H

    Seedling leaves Curling

    They are approx. 2 feet away and and the lights are full spectrum fluorescents but one little buddy recovered but the other one is going form grey to black- dead on the new growths, idk if i can save her, the rest of her is really green / fuzzy and healthy looking
  3. H

    Seedling leaves Curling

    Ok so I tried some of the solution on the link i watered my dry airy feeling medium with just regular water and no nute adjust to the ph of 5.5., I also turnt on a little fan inside to see if it was the temperature, but on of the leaves keep getting more grey, im really scrathing my head on this one
  4. H

    Seedling leaves Curling

    thanks man
  5. H

    Seedling leaves Curling

    Help my seedlings boom out out of the medium in two days but has stopped growing completely in the last 5 days, also on top of that the leaves are curling up and slightly changing color. If anyone knows a solution I would be forever grateful man. PS. the only nute I used was bio root and reg...
  6. H

    Seedling leaves Curling
