Recent content by HighPlainsDrifter

  1. HighPlainsDrifter

    lets talk israel

    They better ride those shitty rockets to the moon. Theyd have a better chance with that than the odds theyll have with IDF. Moral of the story, keep yer rocket in yer pants, er somebody's gonna kick yer ass. Not even the insane, fucked in the head arab world will come to hamas aid. The...
  2. HighPlainsDrifter

    Mandala back

    Glad to hear it, hope the breeders health is better (was the reason for the time out). We ran, and will continue to run their krystallica. it was limited edition release in 2005, a great girl in the greenhouse! Best wishes and happy trails...
  3. HighPlainsDrifter

    What do you think of Paradise seeds Nebula

    I have run it outdoors the last few years in eastern Colorado. Shes a good yeilder long season if vegged up a bit before being put out. We generally top her to 8-10 main branches, shell finish around end of sept-ish depending on the season. the smoke is killer, pretty non-descript until it...
  4. HighPlainsDrifter

    Dr. Chronic

    I bet they dont mind sending em, just dont want to admit it for legal reasons.
  5. HighPlainsDrifter

    Big Bang Shit smell!!!

    Youve found the elusive 'shit' pheno, nice!
  6. HighPlainsDrifter

    outdoor strains

    Nebula is good in the NE, finishing around end of Sept.
  7. HighPlainsDrifter

    Dr. Chronic

    I just recieved 6 packs of beans from them into the US last week.....they came in 9 days, and were all there.
  8. HighPlainsDrifter

    favorite sativa strains

    Destroyer is a great full sat strain, its thai female x an early mexican/columbian male, from cannabiogen. Some of the phenos flower when rootbound, which can be a real plus when trying to finish late season sats outside in the midwest regions of the US (you can force em to flower by letting...
  9. HighPlainsDrifter

    outdoor strains

    Depends on where you live.......
  10. HighPlainsDrifter

    B'Cuzz Tray with Power Plugz- HELP

    Never seen those before but they look like rapidrooters which are available in the us. when the tails on the seed are a half inch long or so, take an inkpen and shove it all the way thru the plug to deepen the hole. squeeze the plug to open the hole youve made, and put the seedling in root...
  11. HighPlainsDrifter

    12/12 right away.

    Sure you can. You can expect a plant thats 1-3' tall finished height if its indica dominant. Sativas will be a bit bigger, as they dont generally begin to flower until they have 3-4 nodes, and strech a bit more as well. You wont gain much using this method as far as yeilds are concerned, but...
  12. HighPlainsDrifter

    The Coolest Legal Plants To Grow

    castor beans are cool and unusual, as are the various daturas...... what about cacti? Loads of cool forms to be had there.
  13. HighPlainsDrifter

    The Hempy Collective

    Mox, let the surface of the substrate dry out a bit. Mold needs moisture to thrive.
  14. HighPlainsDrifter

    CANNABIS THERPEUTICS is the place for me.

    if you guys used all the energy to help patients that you are now using to bash each other the colorado med scene would no doubt be a better place. I dont doubt any of you folks sincereity or dedication, but your using your energy in the wrong place, its fruitless.......
  15. HighPlainsDrifter

    If you could only have 4-5 strains what would they be?

    ak 47 white russian blockhead nl x big bud b52