Recent content by hepkafaadam

  1. hepkafaadam

    Rkron's 4 site RDWC

    nice do you add nutrients every day, what foods do you use
  2. hepkafaadam

    4 plant RDWC

    do you add nutrients every day, what foods do you use
  3. hepkafaadam

    leave a song for the day

  4. hepkafaadam

    leave a song for the day

  5. hepkafaadam

    leave a song for the day

  6. hepkafaadam

    Ph and Ppm

    What is your suggested ppm degree for soil? I am using it. You can share if you have a better chart.
  7. hepkafaadam

    Ph and Ppm

    First of all, hi 4 grow stop I did not have a problem with a chart I used, half of this chart should be applied in auto genetic plants, photo ideal for plants People who know that they will apply half of the fertilizer usage schedule given by the companies in auto plants do not get caught up in...
  8. hepkafaadam

    Need some advice, please!

    the light may have come strong, did you keep it close? Or did you give too much water, the roots may not have received oxygen What was the humidity level in the first 2 weeks?
  9. hepkafaadam

    Ph and Ppm

    Soil pH, PPM Cannabis plants carry nutrients from their stems, like all leafy crops. Roots are porous structures that draw nutrients and water from the soil. Water and nutrients are then used by the plant to produce food by photosynthesis. These dishes affect all the structural elements of the...
  10. hepkafaadam

    Nitrogen poisoning Toxicity, Excessive irrigation, Windburn confusion

    Nitrogen poisoning Nitrogen poisoning is often referred to as "Claw" and is caused by overfeeding your hemp plant with nitrogen. Five people understand this problem when the tips of the leaves curl down like a claw. Nitrogen poisoning slows it down and eventually causes the leaves to turn...