Recent content by hcgm

  1. hcgm

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Damn robert your my FN hero. Hope one day ill get to enjoy some of your handywork.
  2. hcgm

    Mutated Cannabis!!!!pesticed Resistant/grows Year Round

    Uhh i got some bud i want you to try. I agree yall have some OK buds but come on down to the lonestar state and ill show you the real deal. And after you wake up ill let you drink some of uncle SW's shine. One shot and youll be wearin a name tag just so YOU can remember your name.:lol:
  3. hcgm

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Congrats thats awesome. and what is this , build a growroom in the barn. It should be make a growroom out of the barn lol. Good luck and keep us posted
  4. hcgm

    Mutated Cannabis!!!!pesticed Resistant/grows Year Round

    LOL man i probably just really messed things up. Im pretty sure they already knew.
  5. hcgm

    Mutated Cannabis!!!!pesticed Resistant/grows Year Round

    This is not a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cuss::wall: With the development of geneticly modified crops the goverment will be able to slowly eradicate potent pot. They will be able to develop strains with 0 thc that can produce 90 percent males from seed. Think about what will happen if they legalize...
  6. hcgm

    Cow poop....what to feed cow???

    Rolled oats works every time(well most the time lol). Just feed them rolled oats and a good AN cube (at least 20 percent protein). I think rolled oats and a good cotton seed cake cube work best. Whole oats will also work but the cows seem to pass them too easy so its kinda a waste. If your can...
  7. hcgm

    Anyone know of a bottled water with the correct PH??

    Nestle is 6.7/6.8 ozarka is a even 7 most of the time. Just buy the cheap one gallon jugs. Water bottling company's are required to filter with reverse osmosis and most also use a UV cleaning cleaning process to remove bacteria. Almost any bottled water would be better than tap, most also ph at...
  8. hcgm

    Getting your crop high

    It does clog the stomata and if this happens your plants cant transpire or breath. I know i wouldnt last long if i couldnt breath. And cigarette smoke is bad but so is touching your plants after you smoke. This spreads diseases to your plants.
  9. hcgm

    Texas Growers Unite!

    Im surprised i cant smell that bad girl from here thats some beautiful greenery.rep++ Gotta love this great state and one day people are gonna see where the real growers are.
  10. hcgm

    I totally agree!!!!! your prices are pretty close to ours. You can get some really bad ass...

    I totally agree!!!!! your prices are pretty close to ours. You can get some really bad ass border weed around here but it never makes it out of texas. I can get a lb of some good almost seedless brick for about two hundred five for eight hundred but im only three hours from the border. I can...
  11. hcgm

    Anyone ever had a hernia?!?

    I also had one and i lived with it for awhile until i got it fixed(prob about two years). They cut you open and sew a type of screen to the inside of your abdomen wall. I was diggin holes when the anesthesia wore off but everybody's different. And youll pretty much know if you have one , youll...
  12. hcgm

    Landlord does smoke alarm checks! what to do?

    Just tell them "You cant go in there thats where i grow my pot" and laugh. They will think your kidding and never look.....Just Kidding.. That sucks man i have this prob too but the chick that runs my apartment allways gets free weed with my rent money so they dont bother me much lol and she...
  13. hcgm

    Satori Flowering

    A light leak will also delay flowering.
  14. hcgm

    Too small to flower?

    Oh yeah mostly indica
  15. hcgm

    Too small to flower?

    Flower now and it will prob be over a foot when finished. Go to a three gallon pot with some good soil. Flowering time pretty much depends on genetics cant do a whole lot to hurry it up. There is a special timer that has more night cycles and less daylight hours but im not sure what its called...