Recent content by H8torade08

  1. H

    well i just looked at the box it is a 75 watt light output i mean it should be ok how long till...

    well i just looked at the box it is a 75 watt light output i mean it should be ok how long till a leaf hits the soil generally? thanks ffor the help
  2. H

    what up i like your plant if you could give me a couple pointers that would be sweet first time...

    what up i like your plant if you could give me a couple pointers that would be sweet first time grower as of yesterday lol get back at me thanks
  3. H

    what up i like your plants if you could give me some pointers that would be sweet i planted 8...

    what up i like your plants if you could give me some pointers that would be sweet i planted 8 sprouted seeds in a plastic cup i got a lil 15 watt plant growing lamp from walmart i watered it and gave it some soil food help is appreciated
  4. H

    helllpppppp!!!!!!!!! lol

    i have started my first plant a day ago i got 8 seeds sprouted i put them in a plastic cup with soil i got a lil 15 watt plant growing lamp i put soil food on it and what not i need info before i get to far.........??????
  5. H

    help neeeddddeeeedddddd

    i need responses. i am trying to grow a plant i sprouted bout 8 seeds put them in a plastic cup with some soil i got a 15 watt plant growing light from walmart i watered it put soil food on it and im waiting its only been a day but i need to know this shit before i get to far along
  6. H

    first grow pics

    i like you got to give me some pointers im a first timer i sprouted 8 seeds put them in a plastic cup and got a lil 15 watt plant growing light i watered it and gave it some soil food. need to know whats up before i get to far
  7. H

    help neeeeedddeeddd

    i have started my first plant a day ago i got 8 seeds sprouted i put them in a plastic cup with soil i got a lil 15 watt plant growing lamp i put soil food on it and what not i need info before i get to far.........??????
  8. H

    yo help me out spread the knowledge hhahahaha!!! i need what you got in that pic lol

    yo help me out spread the knowledge hhahahaha!!! i need what you got in that pic lol
  9. H


  10. H


    i need responses. i am trying to grow a plant i sprouted bout 8 seeds put them in a plastic cup with some soil i got a 15 watt plant growing light from walmart i watered it put soil food on it and im waiting its only been a day but i need to know this shit before i get to far along