Recent content by Grinderdk

  1. G

    Is Bush a psychopath...

    Another example of Bush's total lack of intelligence: "I think it is very important for the international community to recognize the fact that if Iran were to develop the knowledge that they could transfer to a clandestine program, it would create a danger for the world."...
  2. G

    Is Bush a psychopath...

    ...or just a neo-con puppet doing what he is told to? 2005/2006/2007: Demonizing Iran. "They are building nukes, and third world war will happen if we don't stop them" Dec 3, 2007: "The National Intelligence Estimate published on Monday says it is now believed that Iran stopped its weapons...
  3. G

    Funny Pics, Ad Yours!

    Pencap: Which program/photoeditor did you use to make thos pics?
  4. G

    i'm glad this guy leads my country

    Hilarious: Chavez to Bush,, you're a Donkey "They (White House staff) describe a President whose public persona masks an angry, obscenity-spouting man who berates staff, unleashes tirades against those who disagree with him and ends meetings in the Oval Office with “get out of...
  5. G

    i'm glad this guy leads my country

    Here's the latest on the so-called 'leader of the free world' (that means Europe and Australia): "Washington—November 17, 2005——Secret Service members attached to White House domestic security, FBI and CIA agents, and written national security field reports all confirm that...
  6. G

    Stopped growing and turning yellow after a week (w/pics)

    First timer... using 400w HPS lamp, a 5-1-4 fertilizer and going 24/24. 7 days after putting the "hatched" seed in the soil, it seemed like they stopped growing. Today, three days later, no progress, besides yellowing leaves. Is this because of overwatering, lack of nutrients or perhaps the...