Recent content by GreenLantern23

  1. GreenLantern23

    New HPS/MH Kit for Sale

    Hey guys, Just set up my grow tent yesterday. Temperature is far too high in my tent to use these HPS/MH lights and my tent is only about 4 feet high. I'm switching to CFLs. In the meantime if you're looking for new grow lights, I have listed the ones I just ordered on EBay. Starting auction...
  2. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Oh man I really thought about it...I just kept reading that it wasn't ideal for noobs so I went soil. I've grown regular plants before, maybe if I get my confidence up I will go hydro. I found a really good website that teaches you how to make one low cost. I really didn't want to spend $850 but...
  3. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Thanks for all the info. I may have to watch some YouTube videos to ensure I'm doing the methods correctly. I have a fear I'm going to screw something up, but I ordered about 20 seeds so hopefully I get at least one good grow (ha). I leave for vacation next week and when I get back I will be...
  4. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Thanks guys! Btw I am a female :) I just like superheros, weed and beer. I just pulled up Dolomite Lime - it's from Grow More, correct? Amazon is showing it as discontinued by manufacturer. I will have to order a bag or 2 before they run out. So really there are a number of products I need to...
  5. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Thanks! What kind of pH do you use?
  6. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    My dad committed suicide this past October, but right before he died he made moonshine. So, in his honor, I will grow some pot! Hahaha.
  7. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Welp I just spent $850 bucks on equipment lol. Would've only spent half of that, but I decided to buy a $400 storage shed so I would have a place to keep everything. I plan on putting a lock on that sucker - a BIG one. Overrall I think I did well. I hope I have beginners luck. The lights are...
  8. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    I'm placing my order tonight for all my equip lol. Is Virtual Sun a good brand? Does brand even matter? It's that or Apollo. Was going to get the iPower but the place I'm buying it from doesn't have it.
  9. GreenLantern23

    Best Setup for First Time Grower

    Hello! I just ordered my first seeds from Herbies (10 THC Bomb, 2 Afghani, and 1 Northern Lights/Big Bud Hybrid). I have been researching first-time grower methods for nearly 3 days. Frankly, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I was interested in Hydroponics, but I believe that would be too complicated for...
  10. GreenLantern23

    What is this cannabis?

    I ended up getting a 10 pack of THC Bomb and they gave me 2 Afghan Kush and 1 Northern Lights/Big Bud for free. Overall I am VERY happy lol
  11. GreenLantern23

    What is this cannabis?

    Thanks! I'm looking at their website now. I'm sort of like a kid in a candy store. What strain should I begin with?
  12. GreenLantern23

    What is this cannabis?

    Thanks for the input guys. Do you have any suggestions as to ordering seeds? Should I be concerned my shipment will be seized if I order any? Oklahoma is definitely involved in the "war on drugs".
  13. GreenLantern23

    i live in oklahoma, whats the best site to buy seeds

    This is a very old post. Has anything changed since 2008? Do the recommendations still hold true today?
  14. GreenLantern23

    What is this cannabis?

    I have never heard of that before! What a little poser plant....Will be crossing cinquefoil off my list of things to smoke before I die :spew: I wonder if I can use this stuff to prank people....mmmm...better not :fire:
  15. GreenLantern23

    What is this cannabis?

    I laughed a bit too hard at your comment haha poor plant. I already smoked it, nothing happened. I thought God was trying to send me a sign but instead he just laughs at my stupidity. Wishful stoner...