Recent content by GreenDragon

  1. GreenDragon

    Signs and Symbols of the New World Order

    Look, this thread is just plain stupid, and many of you are ignorant to the facts. Do your own years of research, and stop listening to what the almighty TV has to say(BBC is kinda cool but I'm afraid its the same as fox and the others), because the people in charge tell you what they want you...
  2. GreenDragon

    Growing Dwarfs 6-12" first time growing

    Well, the day after your post, one did go under. :sad: For the other one I raised the soil level and and put it outside b/c i just cant buy the right lights for this grow:wall:. I'll just use the sun for light, and bring it in at night in case it gets too cold. When it gets to the size I need it...
  3. GreenDragon

    Growing Dwarfs 6-12" first time growing

    Well, the day after your post, one did go under. :sad: For the other one I raised the soil level and and put it outside b/c i just cant buy the right lights for this grow:wall:. when it gets to the size I need it to be (6-12"), I've read that your supposed to keep it in he dark for 36hrs?!? To...
  4. GreenDragon

    Signs and Symbols of the New World Order

    While many of these symbols were corrupted by evil men, the new world order "shit" is quite real, from the many sources I've read, and my own eight years of research have lead me to the same ends, those w/ the money have the power over the world (and i don't mean paper money only, resources...
  5. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

  6. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    If you say so....if you've read anything we've said and still concede that nothing here a possibility at least...I think you just don't have the mental capacity for the truth and logic...or like i said your a d.a. And for the record, I don't see how your being an atheist, has anything to do...
  7. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    i'm sorry but are you trying to say that all other dimensional entities are evil? those that I encounter on DmT are about half and half, there is a balance of all things in the universe(s).
  8. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    the best thing you have said yet...LOL! I don't know why, but I seem to just love picking on you...well to day at least....But its all love! Love and Hugs, Nova )O( :peace:
  9. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    If your not joking, your insane....
  10. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    No, most people just don't like the strong earthy flavor, just like there's a lot of people that don't like the taste of truffles(the plant not the candy), I have also gotten myself and my mom high from brownies that were only garnished with raw pot, and also pot icing for cakes, and you don't...
  11. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    I have a whole neighborhood of people that will disagree with all of that; when my mother was a child about 7 or 8(60's), a UFO hovered over my neighborhood in Pasadena, CA for about ten minutes give or take, until it suddenly flew off, shortly followed by three air force jets 5 min afterwords...
  12. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    man your fucking crazy if you think we're alone, just like all the hardcore Catholics....
  13. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    if you don't think aliens (a)don't exist, (b)haven't come here, or (c) didn't leave any proof, I'm sorry to say that your the one who's naive...and at least slightly ignorant....the proof is there if your not letting your ego get in the way of your sight and reasoning skills....and I'll be able...
  14. GreenDragon

    Who created Marijuana? God, Devil, Aliens

    I'm sure the Goddess/god created MJ, but I feel that(going slightly off topic) mushrooms are in the alien boat...
  15. GreenDragon

    new cook book

    That's my favorite part! :)