Recent content by GOGOGTO

  1. G

    Is a flush nessesary?

    Agreed flush for atleast 5 days man. I used to use ocean Forrest but switched to vital earths manna mix. Found it to be much much better almost no filler what so ever.
  2. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    Ya you might think that the effects are less too because you know what to expect. Vs not eating them for a while cause you forget how it feels.
  3. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    Exactly man I hate achohol with a passion. My dad smoked pot my whole life and tucked me into bed every night a said and showed me he loved me. And to think he coulda been in jail for it. When my buddies growing up dads drank and fucked there whole families up and hit there kids man. These were...
  4. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    My favorite thing to do with the people I love. Eat a couple canna cookies and some boomers man. Zero risk of bodily harm and an eye,heart,and mind opening experience of enlightinment. "Man I love this planet". And all thaws drunk people out there beating their children.
  5. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    See man if I eat a little and then alot I don't trip as hard. Seems to me like you gotta eat em all at once and you get less of the up and down before the big breakthrough. Like if I eat em trip start to come down again and eat more it dosent seem like you trip much
  6. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    And I read some one wrote eat an extra gram and you'll be where you were? What kinda shit shrooms are you eating? The ones I get man you can split a 8th between 3 poeple and you will all be faced out for at least 6 hours. I would never recomend some one eat more than 2 grams or your really gonna...
  7. G

    hey answer my shroom question please, quick

    I've eatin mushrooms everyday for a week before and felt the same effects all week. Alot of people think shrooms are bad for you or think they can kill you. But just like the canna. No one has ever died from them. There not poison. Cillacybin is actually healthy for our bodies and granted your...
  8. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    Just a joke :)
  9. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    No they said she noticed some yellow dusting under her fingernail. And when she went to the doctor they said they were little wormy bugs. And they had burrowed there way in and were eaitng her bone marrow!! Hahaha Rip blonde girl from greencross
  10. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    No man haven't seen her. Or Nina the dark haired one. I haven't been there in a long time. Kinda been avoidng the whole dispensary world. I mean when star bucks is sitting there like what the fuck there's alot of these things it's a little outta hand. I wish they woulda kept it like it was...
  11. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    Oh no.... I found a sugar leaf stem that was hollowed out and split open a couple weeks ago and wondered what it was. I'm definately gonna just pray I can flower out what I got. Ditch the veg and mothers and start over AGAIN :( they don't seem to be breeding as bad for me for some reason? Any...
  12. G

    Roots yellow, then dark yellow, now browN!? But plant looking eggcellent.

    Get some sensizyme a believe it's a must it any sorta deep water culture
  13. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    I've been using neem oil and I think it's workin well. The final answer did so so but I think the neem works better. So they spread to your other plants a. Lame man. Pick up some neem and mix it with soap. Seems to be working pretty well I find eggs still but no bugs so I'm hosein em every...
  14. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    Did or have yo found any adult bugs or just these little guys guysmile? With the numbers you had wouldn't you thnk atleast one adult would be found? I thnk that's the bug as an adult. A little nasty fuckin orange yellow transparent wormy shit from fucking hell that only exists on grape fucking...
  15. G

    Yellow Dusting....

    Damn son you had it bad! Sooo many it looked like dust! My god . Good call on pullin that bitch. I agree on the no clone policy in the future. I got impatient waitin on seeds and bought the ape. Now I have to deal with this. I read your thread about the peppers. Haha I thnk the only thing worse...