Recent content by glennid10t

  1. glennid10t

    MY BHO or Budder

    Hi sk306. Yeah it does look a little's another pic. I tried to help another person, and gave instructions on how to make it....he gave me a "like" so its in my profile. Its kind of long, and the pics are jumbled...but you should be able to figure it out. Enjoy!
  2. glennid10t

    Really? You made up this profile for me? You must be a super intelligent cool person in real...

    Really? You made up this profile for me? You must be a super intelligent cool person in real life...cuz that's what they do...right?
  3. glennid10t

    Northern Lights + Blackberry Kush Coco Grow

    For everyone else! took this pic...just enjoy
  4. glennid10t

    Northern Lights + Blackberry Kush Coco Grow

    Damiano...I was showing an example of my last crop...right before harvest. Im currently 2 weeks into bud with different plants. if you really dispute anything I've calling is sorta childish...don't cha think? I apologize if I've offended anyone else. I didn't try to. Sorry.
  5. glennid10t

    First Time DWC Grower (and soil FFOF): Any advice / help would be much appreciated!!!

    I think they look pretty good. I only do DWC anymore. Whatever you choose to takes a couple days for results to show. Cal mag is good for providing the base to allow your plants to process the nutrients more efficiently. I found it was more important with DWC than soil. good luck!
  6. glennid10t

    Northern Lights + Blackberry Kush Coco Grow

    Hi illumination. I've have tried "sea of green " method...which is basically growing a bunch of small clones concentrating on the main top to become the one main cola. The benefit of this method is that you greatly reduce veg time which allows for quicker harvests. It does work, and many people...
  7. glennid10t

    Old Spice To Fight Weed Odor

    I hope you are pleasantly surprised with the results...its a good alternative, for a few plants, if you don't/can't do an exhaust fan with a carbon filter.
  8. glennid10t

    Old Spice To Fight Weed Odor

    I like Ona gel. About 20 buck a jar. I used two jars during the flowering stage.
  9. glennid10t

    What Should I Be Using As Growing Medium?

    I've only heard coco being used for hydro type grows...(I left out a question mark) appear to be someone who could answer this guys question...why didn't you?
  10. glennid10t

    What Should I Be Using As Growing Medium?

    No offense...but it seems like, that IS a complicated question. I don't use dirt, so the talk about perlite and measuring runoff and stuff like that are foreign to me. My grow method is deep water culture and I use hydrotron ceramic pebbles. I wasn't criticizing...just wondering.
  11. glennid10t

    What Does This Look Like?

    I'm actually wondering if you are serious. Picture 1 is self There's a number of ways to cure simple bug infestation and inhibit mold and fungus production. I use a product called, Safer 3in1 spray. 15 bucks, box store, organic. Good luck!
  12. glennid10t

    What Should I Be Using As Growing Medium?

    He's referring to hydroponic mediums. Your problem sounds complicated and the solutions are equally complicated. Mind if I ask, why you choose dirt for inside grow?
  13. glennid10t

    MY BHO or Budder

    Anyone here call it earwax hash? Anyway...I love making and smoking this stuff!!
  14. glennid10t

    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    In my situation, height is an issue. I try to keep each under 3 feet from the bucket top. I enjoy the "ring of tops" and by training inner buds to grow up through the center, I maximize light exposure, and end up with probably...90% good big bud. This pic is basically looking down on one...
  15. glennid10t

    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    Tie down vs super cropping? After reading the beginning of your thread, its appearant there is no 'best way' to do it since all these "growers" have different experiences. I do a little of both on each plant. In the early days of veg...I bent over the main stalk to expose lower branches to more...