Recent content by ghettochild

  1. ghettochild

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    someone please help. I need to build a 50 amp box for my set up i would like it to be on 220v with the option to plug in 120 appliances and 220v appliances. this run will be roughly under 4k so please help!!!
  2. ghettochild

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    anyone got any info on wiring up a master light controller (washer outlet plug ) for a 3000 watt light set up 120volt... just like those 300 dollar timers at the hydro store... I'd like a tutorial on how to make one myself. thanks yall
  3. ghettochild

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    I've been looking into this for a while now. I'm glad others had the same idea as me... gotta love that endless california sunshine.
  4. ghettochild

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    big ups to the cenral cali club!
  5. ghettochild

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    so let me get this straight you want to find more plants that look like marijuana to plant with it... seems a little ass backwards! first post!