Recent content by {ganjaman}420

  1. {ganjaman}420

    A little advice

    ya i know i just was hoping that it wouldnt be a complete loss
  2. {ganjaman}420

    How am i doing?

    and it will be fine if u just do that?
  3. {ganjaman}420

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    i believe in a God or a creater i dont think we evolved from fuckin monkeys i believe that God put weed on this earth for people to enjoy i guess u could call me a christian but i dont go to church i just believe that jesus was gods only son and that if i keep growin and blazin trees that one...
  4. {ganjaman}420

    A little advice

    hey i was wondering if i could clone my plant? and how i would do it if i could.
  5. {ganjaman}420

    A question of trust.

    im not sure if i would tell her if i wasnt able to trust her 100% to keep quite i proubly just wouldnt let her in my room.
  6. {ganjaman}420


    i smoke weed everytime i drink never threw up from it it seams that when i drink and am fillin sick i just blaze and i fill better so its opposite for me i smoke so i dont get sick... and because smokin is fuckin sweet. u proubly just drank to much
  7. {ganjaman}420

    Check out pics

    so you think its over for this one
  8. {ganjaman}420

    What are you smokin >_<

    afghani hash dope for now
  9. {ganjaman}420

    Check out pics

    cool boneman u dont have to check my threads i just wana know what is best for my plant i dont need your stupid ass comments
  10. {ganjaman}420

    Check out pics

    not very much when i watered it i added it to the water
  11. {ganjaman}420

    How am i doing?

    i just stared the fertz today
  12. {ganjaman}420

    Check out pics

    i dont really know what the moisture level is but i water it every time the soil looks dry. im sorry i dont know pretty much anything about growing this is my first time ever and i just started today giving it miracle grow all purpose fertilizer.
  13. {ganjaman}420

    Check out pics

    check out my pics any suggestions are more then welcome
  14. {ganjaman}420

    will someone help?

    serious? is it even worth keeping
  15. {ganjaman}420

    What's Wrong?

    ok so i have this fire plant and its my first ever i started it in late sept i have kept in a window because i dont have money for any lights the top has a lot of white hairs that are turing red now and i dont really know what is going on with my baby i give her a lot of attention i even talk to...