Recent content by ganjagrower123

  1. G

    Does Anyone Have any tips on how i can get specific strains in NJ?

    This threads old af but hmu for some exotics
  2. G

    Flash flood!

    Theres no way I can get to them. Its like a small lake rite now. The only way I can get to them is if I go through the water or get a boat. As soon as I can get down there I will put them solo cups like u said.
  3. G

    Question. Best PH level for watering plants in Soil?

    6-7 somewhere in that range. give or take. U can get some distilled water that should work fine. U can even ph test it if u want.
  4. G

    Flash flood!

    Ya. I guess now I just wait untill the water lowers. Than ill go see. Man, its really a bummer though.
  5. G

    Flash flood!

    They are only on their first set of true leaves
  6. G

    Flash flood!

    I put them out on june 1st. The temps just started looking great with a real nice week. Like high 70s with nights being in the low 60s. I figured it was a good time. Why wait? So I pit them out and a week later, BOOM. flood.
  7. G

    Flash flood!

    So there was a flash flood overnight. Just when all 7 seedlings sprouted, looked good and were getting on their way a flash flood came. As of now all 7 seedlings are under water by atleast 3 feet. I am just so pisses rite now. All the time money and effort I put into them so far has just been...
  8. G


    I know this thread old as hell but the exact same thing is happening to me. Ive got 7 seedlings in the woods and its been raining for like a day now because of some stupid hurricane andrea. I went to my spot and the river has definately risen. The grounds only soggy by my spot and ive got them...
  9. G

    Outdoor Grow isn't growing well! NEED ADVICE!

    Should get a nice 3-5 gallon pot and plant it in their. U can get a nice clay or plastic one to allow good drainage and control over the water in the soil. Can still use perlite and same soil mix. Also it can be moveable if it absolutely needs to be brought indoors for whatever reason. And u can...
  10. G

    Seedlings and the Cold

    Hey so this is my first post and second grow. Currently i have 7 plants in the woods that have been previously germinated. I planted them in their soil medium and they should be popping up within the next day or two. My concern is that the temps of the next 3 nights will be in the high 40s and...